14 • Tigger

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Lava still courses through Taehyung's veins even as he sits on the cement block in the empty parking spot next to Jungkook's car. The constant gusts of April wind do little to subside his anger as he awaits his best friend using the restroom to drive him home. Even in his intoxicated state, although wearing off a bit, blurry images of Lucas' body pressed against yours flash through his mind and each time they do, he feels the urge to run back inside and bruise the man up even more. Whether you were enjoying the interaction or not had not even crossed his mind as he pummeled him, but taking into account your stance as he approached you, he takes a wild guess that you were not having fun.

The sight of the bulky security guard who escorted him out disrupts his thoughts. Teo peeks at the man seated unthreateningly on his occasional perimeter stroll and Taehyung sends him a small wave to which he returns a glare. He chuckles after he turns the corner, but suddenly realizes that is the third time he has seen Teo pass by meaning that Jungkook either had one too many buffalo wings or he forgot that he was his designated driver. Patting around his jacket for his phone, he swiftly takes it out, a small lilac box falling out as well in the process. He gasps before bending down and hastily stuffing it back in as he punches in his best friend's contact.

The line rings and his eyes idly glaze the almost empty parking lot on the side of Bang's. They fixate on a screen door in the back slam shut as a silhouette of someone emerges. He can see the head moving around, as if searching for somebody, but the lack of light and sobriety do little to help him make out the figure.

At least until the head looks at him

"Kookie Kookie Kookie pick up," he whisper yells as if the other man could hear him. He watches with wide eyes as the figure now starts towards him, prompting him to stand up. "H-Hey man chill. You can't walk up to a person like that-

You cross the threshold separating the restaurant from the parking lot, and step onto the gravel, allowing the fluorescent lights to illuminate your face and making Taehyung completely stop his sentence.


He grins but it falters when he realizes you don't stop walking, and with all your might you push him back.

"What the hell were you thinking!"

He trips on the block he was previously sitting on and grasps Jungkook's side mirror to steady himself. "What," he struggles to ask.

"I had that situation under control! I didn't need you to come save me!"

You push his chest again, this time completely making him fall. He grimaces when his back collides with the gravel. The sound almost makes you question whether you went too far but you fight it, too livid to entertain your guilt complex in the moment.

Slowly he stands up again, dusting off his jacket. "Under control?" He asks, agitated. "You call this," he mimics the position you were in before Lucas hit you with his hands out, "under control. I helped you-"

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