13 • My Woman

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If you spot a gecko while you're walking down the street one day and you're curious enough, you might chase after it. And if you're lucky, you might catch it. And if you know anything about geckos, you might be tempted to cut its tail off. Because you, a gecko expert, know that a gecko's tail is able to regenerate itself.

But, if you have any humanity, you'll try to tell yourself that the gecko does not deserve to have its tail chopped off by a human like yourself. Does the simple fact of you possessing the knowledge and the brain capability of recognizing that the gecko will not die without its tail justify why you should? If you know a creature will feel pain in the moment, but it will survive and eventually regenerate stronger than ever before, does that make you inclined to hurting it in the first place?

The answer is no.

But if you are like Kim Taehyung, who has de-tailed geckos for most of his childhood, you will say yes.

The problem for people like Kim Taehyung, and really for any normal person, is that they never follow up on the gecko they maliciously dismembered. Granted, geckos are not very easy to differentiate, so it would be no surprise that when someone like Taehyung comes across the same gecko he attacked not long before with a brand new tail, who's to stop him from doing it again?

But what will happen the day he recognizes the creature he hurt and witnesses the transformation right before his eyes. And this time he doesn't get the opportunity to hurt it again.

"What are you doing after this?" You pin your hair back as Yoongi begins to pick up dirty cups from a nearby empty booth.

"Probably going to Jimin's place, he said Hoseok's over at Tae- erm Jungkook's house, so." He trails off, not failing to miss you grimace in disgust at the name that almost leaves his lips. "Why, did you wanna do anything?"

"Mm kinda, Uma's visiting her grandparents and I thought you and I could hang out like we used to," you half-smile as you punch an order into the POS system.

"You're free to hang out with me and Chim, Honey. You're always welcome," he nudges you.

"No, it's fine. I should really start going home after my shifts anyway."

"Yeah, Honey I'm all for sex positivity but you can't keep picking up any more crummy guys from this place and going home with them. The first couple of times I was all for it, but now I'm kinda getting worried-"

"I'm fine, Yoongi," you flash a smile that does not reach your eyes and he sighs.

"Fuck Taehyung, Honey. He's an insecure brat who didn't deserve even a second of your time." He smiles reassuringly before walking through the kitchen doors.

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