1. Shoelaces of DOOM!

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Dana has a stutter. People have stutters. People can get stutters when upset, angry, or overwhelmed. Do not make fun of his stutter. I am great friends with the block button.

A hush falls over the food court.

I reach for my glasses, regretting regaining my sight immediately. All eyes are on me, the dumbass laying face first on the floor after tripping over his untied shoelaces. That shouldn't be too bad though, right? It happens, some people will laugh but, y'see, a moment ago I had a tray full of food. Now I don't.

Where did the food go, you my ask? Well...

"Oh my god, Matt, are you ok?!"

"Matt, you're completely covered! Do you need me to run you to the store?"

"What idiot still trips over his shoelaces?"

"How is he going to pay for Matt's clothes? They probably cost more than our college tuition."

I would feel bad, except they're right. I am all kinds of doomed.

Looking up, I stare into the cold blue eyes of Matthew Jeneviere. Even his name has a nice ring to it, fitting for the young superstar. And that should be enough to give one a good description of his appearance; picturesque. Even when covered in my lunch he looks like a model, chiseled cheeks, thin eyes, tousled brown hair, shoulders wide enough to carry a truck and the height many would kill for while wearing a Gucci shirt...that I just dumped my entire lunch on. In front of the entire food court.

"What are you doing? Apologize!" One of the many girls that follows Matt like he's the next Messiah hollers at me with a scowl. Others are mimicking her expression.

What?! It's not like I did it on purpose. I—geesh—they're looking at me like I just kicked their cat.

Still, I rush to grab my dropped tray then scurry to my feet. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, Matt, I c-can...pa-pa-pay y-you back?"

Damn stutter. I was teased like hell for it in elementary school and it always comes back with a vengeance when in times of stress.

Matt's bodyguard, whose name I have never heard, follows him everywhere; a man that looks to be in his early thirties with short black hair and brown eyes. He's shaking his head with a smirk while Matt remains motionless in his seat, eyes narrowed on me. I wish he'd at least scowl. The blank expression he's wearing makes this even worse!

"It's fine," Matt says in a monotone voice that has those around him in an uproar.

"It's not fine! He completely ruined your clothes!"

"Dude, he should pay you back."

Matt grabs his backpack to toss over his shoulder. All watch in a mixture of terrified fascination when the boy stands, looking like he's getting ready for a movie shoot rather than simply getting up to leave. Without a word, he walks away, a few of his "gang" following along behind muttering all kinds of nonsense while I'm left wondering if I'm going to be receiving a very expensive bill.

Shit, what am I going to do?

Suddenly, there's an arm around my shoulder. I jump in shock, finding my new friend and roommate, Tori. He reminds me of a fox with his crazy black hair and constant sly smirk. He's the type to get into trouble, the type I avoided in high school but now find myself rooming with in the dorms. Not that I mind, he's been nice to me so far.

Tori is grinning from ear to ear when he says, "Not to be a dick, but that was the best thing I've seen in my whole life. Thank you, Dana."

I groan and angrily ruffle my mess of red hair. Why me?! Why Matt of all people?! I can't pay him back. I already don't have money!

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