Chapter 11

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I woke up and fixed my bed. I then took a shower and got dressed. I decided to wear skinny jeans with a blouse and a leather jacket. I grabbed my shoes then headed out. when I got to school I noticed that all the paint was taken if the lockers and floors. I opened my locker and put my things away. since I have a couple minutes before class starts. I saw Lucy down the hall and I waved at her. she smiled and made her way over her with brad. but before we could even chat Luke came. why can't I even catch a break I see him everywhere I go. he said " hey did you guys here about the field trip "

I shook my head and Luke continued " well since you didn't I will tell you. we are going to the water park. but you better be careful when you go you could drown."

The only thing I could process was water park. I felt my eyelids drop and my vision went black. I felt somebody shake me and I opened my eyes to see brad and Lucy I guess Luke already went off. brad said " dont worry you don't need to go in the water "

I nodded and Lucy said " ok well it's tommorrow so we have time to think and after lunch we don't have any class because if some problems the school wanted to fix."

I nodded and said " I'm going to class bye "

I my then went to get my books. I went to class and silently prayed that nothing bad will happen tomorrow.

-time skip next day at school morning-

When I got to school I went to the bus and sat down with Lucy, brad sat down with one of his new buddies. When we got to the water park I sat on one if those chairs and just relaxed. to be honest time passed by and it was already lunch time. I went to grab a French fries while Lucy got a burger. I said " hey where did brad go"

she said " oh he's not hungry so he is still going in the water slides. "

I said " so was it any fun"

she shrugged and then I got up and threw my French fries away. When I sat back down Lucy wasn't there that was weird for her just to disappear. I closed my eyes and relaxed but then I felt somebody grab me and I was put over their shoulder. I said " let me go "

the person said " no your going for a swim "

I know that voice It was Luke. He put me down next to the pool and I said " well I'm going to go so bye "

but before I could get up Luke moved in front of me. I tried to move to the side but a girl blocked it. I looked at her face and saw it was Mia. she said " oh where is the loser going "

okay if you could see my face I probably look pale. I turned the other way but my oath was blocked my a boy. I looked at his face and recognized it immediately. Matt said " ohh Sadie how are you "

now if you saw my face I would probably look like a freaking ghost. I tried to get up but Luke pushed me down and said " jump in the pool or else"

I got up and said " never "

I was about to go when I felt Mia and Matt push me in the pool. I tried to breath but I saw my vision going black. I woke up to see myself in the nurses office. I said " what happened to me "

the lady said " oh honey it was this morning a guy said something to you about a water park and you fainted. you been out cold this whole day. school is almost over but you could leave now if you want. "

I said " thank you but who brought me here"

she said " oh well first it was a girl named Lucy and a guy named brad. after they left somebody came to visit you and he helped me for a while. he should be back soon so when he comes back if you want to leave tell him then go. I will come back in a few minutes bye."

I said " what sorry but when is the water park field trip "

she said " oh it's tomorrow "

she then left and closed the door. so all the things that happened were a dream. none of that was real so I didn't see Matt or Mia or got pushed in a pool. I got up and then I heard the door open. I saw the person and he or she said " well hello Sadie nice to see you again "

Cliffhanger haha who is that person
Leave me a comment saying your guess
Let's see who will get it right
Sorry about the short chapter

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