Chapter 5

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Once I got to my room I say to Lucy " how long are you staying "

she said "oh a week and how's Ashley doing "

I said " wow you weren't kidding when you said a break I thought only one day. Ashley is fine she just went out for a play date with a friend "

brad said " oh and were going to the school your parents chose "

I said " cool"

then brad said " who were those guys"

I said " oh they were people trying to make my life hell."

Lucy said " wow well good luck"

I said " hey how about we go to the skate park, I have 2 extra skateboards "

they nodded and we went. When I went outside I noticed the guys gone, I was about to yell for Lucy and brad to hurry up but they just came out. we walked down the street to the skate park. when I got there I said " let's go before it's packed "

they nodded and we started to skate at the ramps. we went on the tall one I made brad and Lucy go first when I was about to go, somebody grabbed my wrist. I turned to see Luke and his friends. I sighed and was about to go but jack took my skate board. I said " what do you want "

Luke said " oh well I was going to push you off but I like to tease you first."

I said " can't this wait please "

he said " let me think about that nope."

I said " ok if I can go anything you say will you give me my board back "

he smiled and said " ok I want you to do a front flip then and back flip then you get your board"

I smiled an said " fine "

he looked confused and I did what he said. He then said " we'll have a good ride "

he pushed me of and I landed on the ground with a thump. I groaned then got up and shook my head. Lucy and brad came down and said " are you fine "

I nodded then we went to a bench.lucy said " hey let's play truth or dare "

I nodded and Lucy said " ok brad truth or dare "

he said " one dare for me please "

she smiled and said " I dare you to do the chicken dance right here"

he smiled then got up and started to do it we started to laugh but stopped when he stopped dancing he then said " ok Sadie truth or dare "

I said " give me a truth"

he smiled and said "

ok what are you scared of " I said " um I'm scared of Matt father men's and of the water "

he said " why water"

I frowned and said " well you know when the incident happened with matts father men while they put my head under water I almost couldn't breath but I got up and went running, and you know what happened after"

he nodded then I saw I had a message on my phone. it was from Ashley saying that she will be home soon. ya she only got a phone cuz my dad wanted her to have it at all times to be safe. I said " I need to go oh and do you want to live with us instead of a hotel "

Lucy said " no it's fine my dad paid for us,but ya see ya"

they then walked of. I was about to go when I saw my sister Ashley. I said " hey sis what are you doing here."

she said " well you weren't home so I came here"

I smiled and said " let's go home now "

we began to walk home and thankfully Luke and his friends didn't bother us. when we arrived home my dad said " Ashley guess what "

she said " what did my letter from the boarding school come in"

my dad said " sure did now go open it"

my sister always wanted to go to a boarding school for some reason. she quickly went to the kitchen and opened the letter. when she was done reading it she looked so happy she said " I got in ya "

my dad said " ok well it says here your starting tomorrow so go pack up "

she nodded and went off. Now the only time I will she here is on holidays and over the summer. I went to my room and took my sketch book and started to draw the sky. when I was done I went to go sit outside and call Lucy to see if she wanted to hang out. I called :
- hey Lucy what's up
- nothing much you
- well I was wondering if you wanted to do something fun tonight together
- ya sure we can go to the movies
- ya that sound so much fun
- ok well I meet you there at 8
- k bye
- bye
When I hanged up I went to my closet and picked out a pair of ripped jeans and a tank top with my leather jacket. I threw it on my bed then went downstairs to watch tv. it was only 6 so I have enough time to get ready and have supper. I finished my show then went to prepare myself a sandwich to eat. when iwas done staying I went to my room and bitched that it was 7:30. I quickly out on my clothes and took out a pair of converse then I went to the washroom and out on some lipstick and mascara. when I finished I grabbed my wallet and phone with my keys for the car. I yelled "dad I'm going out bye I will be home by 10 max"

I heard a k then I went to my my car and drive off. when I got to the cinema I parked and went to find Lucy . I saw her standing by the front door waiting. I said " hey Lucy ready to go"

she smiled and said " yup let's go"

we went inside and then chose a movie to watch. I didn't really pay attention to the title all I care was that it was a comedy,we then went to go get our snack . after we finished paying we went to go get our seats.

<<<<movie finished it is now 10 >>>>

When the movie finished I said " wow that was great I had fun "

she smiled and said " me too well I got to go so bye she you tomorrow at school."

she then walked to her car and I went to go throw my garbage away. I was about to go to my car when I felt somebody put there hand over my mouth. i immediately started to kick him off. when I got out if his grip I quickly ran. he was only like 5 feet away so even if I made it to my car he would get me before I close the door. I decided just to run since I had no other chose. I turn my head to see if he gone and I see nobody I slowed my pace and realized I was at my house already. I smiled then went inside, I saw my dad on the couch and he said " did you have fun "

I smiled and nodded. it's better not to tell him what happened he will get to worried about me. I went upstairs and put my pj on. I then went to my sister room to see her peacefully asleep. I went back to my room and closed my lights and tucked myself into bed. I soon drifted off thinking about who that guy was.
A/n who was that guy
I know but you'll have to wait to find out

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