Chapter 2

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The dance she did is the video at the top
When I got into my room and saw it was empty. I began to dance my solo I did for my last competition before the world wide dance war. when I finished somebody knocked at my door. I opened it and I saw some guys coming in with my bed and drawer. I went downstairs and sat on the couch and waited half an hour before they were done. When I went inside my room I was wowed. I lured on my bed and took my computer out. I quickly texted brad and Lucy then went to bed. But before I could my sister came inside. she was only 8 years old. she said " Sadie can you tuck me in please."

I said " sure" I then went to her room and tucked her in.
<<<<<<the next morning >>>>>
I woke up and looked out of my window seeing the scenery. I then went downstairs and had some breakfast. my parents weren't awake do I decided to start unpacking. I went to my room and put all my clothes , shoes and accessions away. I then began to put my frames up and other things. I flanged at the clock and saw it was 1 in the afternoon. I went back downstairs to see my dad with boxes he said " hey Sadie here is you box with all you hobbies things in it."

I smiled and said " thank you dad"

I then went up stairs and opened my box. inside was my dance uniform,my dance shoes, gym a outfit and then I saw my skateboard. I put everything away then went into my closet and pulled out sneakers , ripped jeans and my blue tank top. I put on some lipstick and decided to leave my hair lose since my hair wasn't messy.I then grabbed my skateboard and went downstairs. I grabbed an apple and yelled to my dad " dad I'm going out on my skateboard be back in a hour top I have my phone on me if you need me."

he said " ok be safe"

I then went out of the door, I thow we my skate board on the floor and made it roll. I then ran and jumped on it while taking a bit of my apple. I then heard my ringtone and took my phone out of my pocket and saw it was Lucy, I quickly answered:
- hey Lucy what's up
- oh nothing much just being bored with out you. so how are you doing
- I'm fine I'm actually just skate boarding around looking for a skate park
- wow well I won't keep you wanting just waned to call to make sure your alright
- thanks tell brad I say hi see ya
- ok bye Sadie
I then hanged up and saw a ramp, I smiled then made my way there. when i got there I went over to the high ramp and saw boys hanging and just playing around. then one said " hey what are you doing here"

I smiled and said " just skating"

he laughed and said " oh girls can't skate, you might want to try something smaller first"

wow he is so nice. I replied " well let's make a bet if I can't do 2 turns I give you 50 bucks but if I do 2 turns you give me 50 bucks "

i then stumbled so he will buy that I wasn't good. he smirks and said " deal"

I heard a few guys saying things like" wow easiest 50 bucks you made ", " She's never gonna win "

when I walked over I stumbled again just to make then believe more. when I got to the top I put my skateboard down and was about to go when somebody said " you might want a helmet "

I said " oh I'm fine. I've been doing this for 5 years" but I don't say the lasts part I mumbled it.

I went down and when I got on the other side I did a turn in the air and then went down and on the other side I did a flip. when I got back down I did a handstand on my board when I felt myself in the air I put my feet down and stopped. I then turned to the guy and he was shocked. I laughed and said " pay up mister "

he friends began to laugh and I got 50 bucks. I then went of to go back home. when I got to my door I knocked and my dad opened it and said " Your back already"

I said " ya nothing that big at the park"

I then went to my room and layer on my bed, I looked at my clock and it said 6:58. I then heard my Ashley shout " dinner is ready "

I went downstairs to eat. After I finished eating I went up to my room and watched a movie. when it was done I closed the tv then fell asleep.
<<<<<<<morning time >>>>>>>
I woke up and saw it was 10, I took my shower then put on my yellow sundress and white wedges. I went downstairs and had some breakfast. I told my dad " I going to the mall after breakfasts i will be back after lunch time "

he said " ok be careful "

I then finished up and went to grab my purse and put my phone with my wallet in it. I was going to the door when I felt my knees buckle ann I fell. my dad came in and said " Sadie are you ok"
I said " I'm fine" he said " are your knees starting to buckel"

I remember when my mom died my knew always buckled and I fell almost every second, but I stopped after a while. it know only happened when I thought if my mom or just randomly.I shake my head then got to my car, before he could notice I'm lying. I didn't need to make him worry it almost never happened. I went inside my car then headed of. when I got at the mall I decided to go to forever 21, garage, ardene and then urban planet. when I finished I had almost like 10 bags. I decide to grab a smoothie then head back home. I put my bags in the trunk then I heard my phone ring. I answered it and the person said
- hey Sadie
- hey
- so I was wondering if you want to meet up
- no
- ok another question why don't we get back together
- Matt just stop
-never will I stop loving you
- you know what you did
- that wasn't my fault
- ugh just don't talk to me
I then hanged up and wiped a tear away.
A/n hope you enjoyed it

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