Chapter 8

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I have an interesting chapter here
Hope you like

My dad said " well apparently there
was a fire in the section Ashley lives. they found out that is wasn't by accident somebody meant for it to happen."

Who would want to do that to a school it doesn't make sense. wait I thing I have an idea. my dad continued "well good new is that your sister is alive she just broke her arm. bad news a kid died but I didn't know who it's was. also apparently I need to get a thousand dollars because of your sisters arm."

I said " you scared me for a second dad I thought Ashley was gone like mom. I will try to help with the money dad"

I wiped a tear away from my face then my dad said " Ok go to your bed and sleep"

I nodded then went upstairs I lay down on my bed but I wasn't tried so I went over to my window and opened it. I then climbed up to the roof and sat down. I was looking at the stars when I heard footsteps. I looked around and saw 2 men walking what I know one of them.

~ flashback ~

I was running down the street and I was really dark. I then started to pant and was pushed to the ground I landed on my back and saw a man standing above me. I started to scream for help but he covered my mouth. he had a knife in his hand and said " this will be good." I grabbed his mask and took it off. it revealed a guy with brown hair and blue eyes. he looked like he was around my age.he smirked and I closed my eyes but then heared somebody fall to the ground. I saw the man on the floor and a person punching him was Matt. the guys started to punch him then he said " you were not suppose to hurt her only her mom " I started to shack and then he came to me and said " Sadie" over and over I again.

~ flashback over~

What was he doing. I heard the other guy says " ok so did you complete the mission Ashton ."

he nodded and said " yup I set it on fire a left a note saying be careful and I broke her arm "

what the hell he did oh he so going to get me but not know since he with another guy. the other man said " remember she will not die if she does your head is on the line now let's go "

they then walked away. what are they doing here still. I quickly went back in my room and fell asleep.

<<<<< >>>the next morning >>>>><

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. ugh I need to go off to prison oh wait I mean school. sorry there both so similar I don't know the difference. I fixed my bed then went to take my shower. I then put on my skinny jeans and a cropped top. I then crimped my hair and went downstairs. I ate some breakfast then went out to my motorcycle. when I arrived at school I noticed a lot of people whispering weird right. I then say brad and Lucy then came to me and said " sorry"

I said " it's fine but what about Luke "

Lucy said " well after you left Luke was getting mad and started to push me around and then brad punched him out cold and I'm certain he lost his memory for that day."

what the fudge! I just nodded and went to my locker. To early to deal with it.I was opening when somebody pushed me and I stepped out of the front of my locker and then paint sprayed out. I turned to look around and people look not shocked more like they knew about it. I then saw Luke laughing but frowned when he say it didn't hit me. I just rolled my eyes got my books and left but before I went up to him and said" better luck next time "

he scowled then I left to my class which was English. When I got inside I saw Alison. I smiled and said " hey I didn't see you yesterday "
I smile and said " oh I had to go to the dentist "

I nodded then we took out seats. When class was over she said " oh bye the way said with won't be here for a while I have some stuff to take care of."

i nodded and said " ok well that sucks "

she smiles and we go to our locker. We get our books then just talked till the bell rang signalling that class will soon start. I said " bye then went off"

<<<<<<<<lunch time>>>>>>>>>>>

I grabbed my money then went into the line with Alison while brad and Lucy were at the table. I grabbed a plate of spaghetti. when I was walking when Michelle bumped into me and said " ugh why are you here "

Well at least my food is ok. I said " I need to go before I do something I regret"

she smirked and said " wow you really are just a little freak"

now I'm mad. I took my food then dumped it over her. she screamed and then I smirked and opened up my coke. I poured it on her and know she was just screaming. Luke started to come over here and said " oh your so died Sadie"

I dropped the can and started to run. I quickly jumped on a table and ran with Luke on my tail. there was a space so I did an Ariel while Luke had to get down then back up. I was running then I jumped of doing a flip in the air. I screamed " brad get ready "

I heard him chuckle and I started to run to him. Luke was close so I went faster. I quickly put my feet on brads hand and he throw me in the air. I grabbed a light bar that was in the air. I pulled myself up and stood up. I was about to say you can't get me but Michelle and her minions started to throw food. I quickly dodged then and then jumped to catch another bar with my hands. I swang my legs back and forth then let go and I landed on another bar. ya I can't believe I did that. I smirked and Luke said " did anybody know she could do that"

I smiled and yelled " that is what years of gymnastics pays off suckers "

I bar cracked and I fell of I quickly grabbed with one arm but realized that is was my left and my wrist was starting to hurt. I heard Lucy yell " let go"

since I believe her I let go and I fell to the ground. When somebody caught me I said " wow that was a crazy trust exercise."

I looked into brad eyes and he put me down. Lucy then said " did you just quote Anna from frozen "

I laughed and said " I would love to answer that but I have to run"

I quickly started to run when I saw Luke take off. I went outside and jumped on my motorcycle and speed off. I looked back and saw a very pissed of Luke. I smiled and then went home. my dad won't my mind that I skipped last period. When I got home I went to my room and started my homework.

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