"What transition?"

"Into your new life" Mrs Cappie grins

"I don't want a new life, I like my old one" I scowl

"Unfortunately Charm, you are currently trending online. A lot of people have watched what you did on those tracks and some of them are not nice" Mrs Cappie sits on the side of my bed near my feet "I help take care of and am in charge of Supers like you. Each have their own gifts and use them to protect and better mankind" She sighs and looks to Bobby nodding. Bobby nods back and walks over to me with a set of keys. She looks back at me with a sad smile "I'm sorry to say Charm, you can no longer have the life you want. You can never go clubbing, you can never go to the store for milk and you certainly can never take your dogs for a walk"

"What?!" I throw my hands up to realise I'm no longer cuffed. I rub my wrists and notice the damage was done "I'm not letting my dogs miss out on.....where are they?"

"Who?" Mrs Cappie asks confused

"Chubby and Mojo. Speedy and Booty. Where are they?"

"Oh. Your dogs and cats are in your new apartment not far from here"

"My new-what?!" I growl "Do you have any idea how long it took to get my apartment just right and I never agreed to move"

"Charm" Bobby sighs "You are wanted by many governments, some for the right reasons and some for bad. You'll never have a normal life again. You are so famous and so wanted, you could sell your hair and make millions. We're foing our best to remove all videos showing your heroic event, but it's going to take time"

"Well shit" I grunt while slumping back on the bed "I only wanted to save the people of the train" I mutter

"And you did" Mrs Cappie sighs "But humans are greedy, they always want more than what they have. There was enough explosives in the car to obliterate the first 5 carriages and take out the rest. There would've been very few survivors"

"What happened to the guy in the car?"

"He is getting the help he needs. It had something to do with custody over their children. The ex-wife won. She also happened to be in the third carriage on the train"

"Oh wow"


"So that's it" I sigh "I can never have a normal life. All my friendships I've made, I can never keep....what about my job?"

"You can no longer work the way you did sweetheart"

"So what am I supposed to do for money? What am I to do to fill my time?"

"You have a different job" Mrs Cappie smiles

"Which is?"

"You will be part of a group of Supers that investigate certain phenomenon. Things that can't be explained....bad things. You'll be like the police for Supers"

"How many are there?" I ask

"We're not sure. Powers mature when a heroic event happens to an individual. Not all become Supers, but the ones that do, have a choice" She looks at me seriously "Sometimes they choose to do very bad things whilst others, like the group of Supers I hope you'll want to be a part of, do good things and try to save humanity"

"How have I not heard of anything like this before?"

"Because it would be too overwhelming for humans to comprehend. There was a time when color of your skin was seen as threatening, a time when you religion saw you as a danger. Could you imagine what they would do to souls like yours if they found out you could move things without touching them?" Mrs Cappie asks

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