Chapter 22

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Authors note
Hey guys, so sorry for the late update, life's been really busy this last week, I hope you can understand.
I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Aiden's POV

Aiden was still fueled with anger as he drove Elizabeth to the pack house. How was he supposed to protect her from the filth of Everdale and the murderous rogues which roamed the forest, when he couldn't even take care of his mate within the school grounds.

His fingers grip the steering wheel as he flicks his attention over to her. The red marks stood out like bright red traffic lights on her perfectly beautiful white alabaster skin. He grits his teeth forcing his attention back to the road before he shifted into his wolf and went on a rogue hunting spree.

She still refused to discuss who attacked her, her head strategically turned as she peered out the window, making it difficult to begin any conversation.

It frustrated him that Elizabeth couldn't trust him, she was his mate. She was supposed to trust him with everything but unfortunately he knew that it'd take time.

Thankfully she'd trusted him enough to hop in the car, not that she had much of a choice, with Aiden blocking her every exit.

Running his hand through his hair, he goes through every high school student enrolled at the school.
He hadn't seen any of them as a threat until now, but he still couldn't wrap his head around who would hurt her. She was new, the humans barely knew her and the wolves understood that she was his.

Fury begins coursing through his veins as he realises that Elizabeth's attacker would go unpunished if she didn't reveal their identity. Even worse was that their anonymity would give them another opportunity to attack again.

He needed to find out who did this. Taking a breath in, Aiden reigns in his anger he didn't need it directed towards her.

"Elizabeth" she jumps at his voice despite his soft tone. "Please tell me who did this to you"

She remains silent, continuing to stare out the window. Keeping his eyes on the road, he blindly reaches over finding her hand. He's surprised when she doesn't pull away, his heart jumping wildly as she grasps her hand in his.

"I just want to protect you"

Halting at the stop sign, he pauses turning to glance at Elizabeth, his eyebrows creasing as he notes her whole face brimming with sadness, ready to pour out.

"Elizabeth, why are you upset, what's wrong?"

She gasps, pulling her hands immediately out of Aidens as she schools her features into neutrality.

"Nothing" She says her tone hard but Aiden knows it's just for a show. "When do we arrive at your house?"

Aiden attempts to take a deep breath but it does nothing to quell the irritation and frustration rising from her stubbornness. He was tired of being patient, he was going to find out before he arrived at the pack house.

"We aren't arriving until you tell me what's wrong and who the hell attacked you" Aiden states pulling into an empty car bay on the side of the street.

For this first time this car trip, Elizabeth turns her head, her eyes wide as she stares at him with disbelief and shock.

"Are you always this demanding?" She questions holding his gaze

My Alpha Mate- On HoldTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang