Would You Be Interested in This Little Game I've Made Up? (+ Random Stuff!)

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Okay, so, I was bored and started asking myself random questions (please tell me I'm not the only one who does that! 😂) and, for whatever reason, I asked myself this question: If Paul McCartney could sing one song specifically to me, what would it be?

So, my answer to that was "I'll Follow the Sun" because every time I listen to it, I feel like he's singing directly to me and the lyrics are just beautiful. It honestly makes me want to cry when I think of him actually singing it to me. It's such a sweet and overwhelming thought! 😅😭

Anyway, so then I thought I would ask you guys the same question. If your favorite Beatle could sing any song to you, what would it be? I already told you mine, so now it's your turn! Comment away, my friends!

Lastly, the game I was thinking we could play, would be of this nature: I ask a question like the one above every so often and you guys get to tell me your answers. I don't know if you guys would be into that or not, so what do you think? Would you like that? Or is it a chintzy idea? Please let me know and I'll be glad to think of some more questions!

Now, some random stuff to help you mull it over!

Now, some random stuff to help you mull it over!

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Umm, Paulie? Should I look away? 🤣🤣🤣

Umm, Paulie? Should I look away? 🤣🤣🤣

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Again, does anyone else do this? 😂

I love Paul and George's corpse expressions

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I love Paul and George's corpse expressions. 🤣

Okay, so are they saying that's the real Paul or what? 🧐

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Okay, so are they saying that's the real Paul or what? 🧐

Okay, so are they saying that's the real Paul or what? 🧐

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Holy cow look at those eyes!! 😍

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Holy cow look at those eyes!! 😍

Hahahaha!! Macca is mean to Lenny! 😂😂😂

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Hahahaha!! Macca is mean to Lenny! 😂😂😂

Hahahaha!! Macca is mean to Lenny! 😂😂😂

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Okay, that's all for now! Until next time

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Okay, that's all for now! Until next time...✌❤✌

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