"It's ok, I think."

Start from the beginning

"Well, that's true" and he laughed. "Are you willing to go dinner with me tonight?" He asked.

"I'll answer to that question later, ok?"

"No, I want to know now!"

I smiled as I looked to the phone. Feelings are going crazy right now... I really love Michael but he is not here and I need someone to take care of me, I need someone to love me when he's not here. I know that it's not good to do this, but I think that I'm starting to feel something for Vincent.

"Sure!" I answered. I parked my car near Catherine's house and I waited for Vincent.

"I drive tonight" he said. He opened the gate and he got inside of a Mercedes.

"Is that your car?" I said surprised.

"Yes... I just don't show it very often." I smiled to him and made my way to his car.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see."

I turned my face to look at a big mansion. It was enormous and the gates were just fantastic. It had a beautiful garden in there and it also had some animals.

"What are we doing here?"

He looked to me and he gave me a smile. "This is our restaurant tonight" he said. "This was my house a few m years ago, before my parent's death. Then I needed to move to cat's house because I didn't have anyone to take care of me."

And I asked "but why did you bring me here just to have dinner?". I needed to know why. Michael never took me to his oldest house and he barely took me to have dinner with his parents when they were here on vacations. It had to be something else.

"I don't know. I just thought that it would be nice to bring my friend here." He made his way outside the car and he opened my door. "Lady..."

"Thank you gentlemen." I said as I gave him a shy smile.

Then we went to the house and we walked to the dinning-room. There was a beautiful decorated table, with some candle on it and the room was huge! The chair were like thrones and I was loving it.

"Let's have a seat." Then he called the garçon, he ordered the food that was suppose to be in the table and he dropped some wine into my glass.

"I need to tell you something." And I looked to him very focused, "I really need to know what is going on here. I do understand that you're that type of guy that has a that style and is very carefully and sympathetic, but I do have a boyfriend and you're doing things that boyfriends do, and you're not mine." I looked to him with some sadness on my look.

"I just... Ok, I'll tell ya. When I saw you, I knew that we would have something and I need to tell you that, first, it was just friendship, but then my feelings started to mixing and all that stuff and I really need you. After these two months, I really understood that you're important. You can leave if you want to, but you can't leave my mind... Even when I try to forget you for minutes... I can't." And he shut up and looked at my with that penetrant look.

"Ah... These two months were crazy, I fell that too." I said looking to my empty plate. "I do feel something for you, but I feel something stronger for Michael... But when he is not here, I feel empty and I need something to fill it all. And I found you."

We looked to each other. This happened so fast! One day, we were just unknown people and today we are in this shit. It can't be good. I was so distracted thinking about something that I didn't notice that my phone was ringing.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, don't you recognise my voice sweetie?" It was Michael at the phone, and I was having dinner with Vincent. I covered the microphone and I did ê sign to Vincent for him to know that was Michael at the phone.

"Hey hon, how are you? How is everything there?" I asked.

"I'm fine and you little? Did you miss my voice? Well it's everything ok, my mother is fine and my father is well too." He said. "Look I need to tell you something..."


"I went downtown last night to have some fun and something happened, but first I need to tell you that I was so drunk and I couldn't do something with my head and body at the moment..."

"Michael you're scaring me!"

"I slept with another girl babe..."

The day got worse when Michael told me that. I didn't know what to do. Anger was climbing my body and I shut down the phone.

"What happened?" Vincent asked with some sadness in his eyes.

"Say that you love me." I said.

"What? Why now?"

"Say it! Isn't that true?"

"I love you." As he told me, I stand up and took his hand. I laid him on the sofa and I started to kiss him.

"Stop!" He shouted.

I started to cry and my body started to shake. What the fuck was I doing? I could not pay back... I needed to control myself.

"I'm sorry... I just need someone to take care of me and listen to me..."

"I'm here to take care of you, and listen to you. I have all the time for ya."

"I just don't love Michael anymore, things got complicated. First, he betrayed me with Victoria, a cheerleader from our school; after a month, someone came to me and told me that he was with her and now he slept with another girl... I'm here, trying to contain myself, and he's out there living some crazy stupid life. I need to stay at home taking care of the house, when he is outside having some fun with other whores... I can't do this anymore but I can't leave him now."

"You need to understand that you need to do what is better for you and not what is better to the world, you're first. Then, Michael is an asshole that don't deserve you... He has done all that to you and you've been forgiving him since day one. It's not right and it's not ok. You need to get over this and start moving forward lady." He said as he pulled me against his chest. It was so hot and comfortable that I didn't want to go anywhere, I didn't want to move.

"But I can't leave him now..." I said as I calmed down.

"Why? That's bullshit..."

"He's suffering, with cancer..."

"And he is living la vida loca? What a good boy... Alison, you need to think and to do what is better for you. If he is suffering, he must not mess up with you and do all this bad things, because he's not stupid enough to unknown that he will lose you."

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