"Ready when you are," he nodded his head towards you. You took a deep breath and pulled yourself together. Once you felt like you were ready you charged towards him, getting ready to side thrust your sword against him. You knew Link would block it, and when he did you twirled around, swinging your sword while doing so. You aimed your blade at his stomach, but he jumped back, escaping such strike.

Link's lips pulled into a grin as he ran to you, lifting his sword. He brought it down on you in a swift movement, and metal clashed against each other when you blocked it. He pushed you, causing you to stagger back and effectively lose balance. While the earth rocked for you, he charged again, wanting to take advantage of your unbalanced moment. Through your shaking vision, you saw him coming and instinctively you ducked the swing of his sword.

You growled and stood straight, only to begin thrusting your sword nonstop at him. Your rough actions caused him to step back in order to escape. Link's back then met the bark of a tree and you moved to press the tip of your blade against his neck, but he parried your sword with his own and moved to kick you away.

You immediately stepped back, avoiding his kick. You sent him a glare and rose your sword again, your breathing getting heavy, but you remained tense. You took a deep breath and grunted, swinging your sword down on him. Link did the same and the screeching sound of metal sliding down one another filled the air when they collided.

You were the one to push him back this time, but he didn't stagger behind. Before you could even swing your sword he back-flipped, escaping your sharp whooshing blade. The minute he landed on the ground you started to clash your weapon on him, trying to beat him down. Link only did the same to you. He attempted a side thrust, but you twisted your body and sword, bringing both of your hands onto the handle. You were doing a hanging right sword stance, and you did it quick enough to block the thrust.

Link smirked at your action and moved back before you could do an upward thrust at him. His blue eyes were filled with determination and the look made you somewhat uneasy. It was the same look he had whenever he fought monsters. He let out a shout as he lunged at you, but caught you off guard by side stepping your swing.

Not wanting to leave your back exposed you whipped around just in time to strike his blade with yours. Then, his movements became unclear. He came at you in different directions, constantly twisting and turning to avoid your blows. It was unpredictable. So you decided to do the same. This threw him off at some point as well and when it did you managed to hit his stomach with the handle of your blade.

He groaned out, but he didn't let this stop him from fighting you. The look in his eyes didn't waver and he once again drew his sword up, thrusting it down with great force. Metal clashed, but this time he pressed down with more strength. Your arms shook under the pressure, and it caused your arm to strain. Pain was written on your features and your eyes watered, but you tried to blink them away.

Your focus started to go to the pulsing feeling in your arm and a small whimper escaped your lips as you tried your best to hold your ground. When Link noticed this a flash of concern came over his face, snapping him out of his fighting mode. He began to grow worried, thinking he had hurt you in some way and this caused him to loosen up. When you saw this, you shook your head and grunted, pushing him against a tree.

Link didn't expect this of course and you used it to your advantage. He rose his sword, but by the time he refocused, the side of your blade was just inches away from his neck. You looked at him, your chest falling and rising quickly from your heavy breathes. "Someone lost their focus," you managed to let out, feeling sweat roll down your temple.

"I-I thought I hurt you," he stuttered, letting out airy breaths. The determination that once possessed his eyes was now gone. He gulped, pressing the tip of his sword just below your chest. "But I think this counts as a tie."

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