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I lay on the ground in pain. I feel like shrapnel has made its way to my back.

"That hurt," I talk to myself as I raise my body from the ground. I see a small woman beneath me...right. There was a person near the plane. Her Silver eyes pierced my (E/C) ones. She appeared to be still wearing pyjamas and wore a white cloak. She had shoulder-length dark red hair.

"Ah, sorry," I say as I stand up and help her get up herself.

"Your not an Alien right?" She asks before she takes my hand

"Umm? No, I'm from Atlas," I tell her as I help her up. When she puts her weight on me, my leg gives out and we once again collect each other on the ground. I scream in pain for a short moment before once again getting off her

She gets up herself and goes to investigate my leg

"That looks nasty," She says looking closely

"It feels nasty," I say

"We better get you to the nurse, it may become infected otherwise," she says worriedly

"Thank you for your consideration, but why are you helping me?" I ask. Under normal circumstances, she'd have no way of knowing if I was out to cause people trouble.

"You leaped to protect me from the explosion," she says

"Did I?" I ask forgetting something that had happened moments ago

"Yes, let me call Professor Ozpin, he might be able to fix you up," she says upbeat

She pulls out her scroll and holds it up to her ear, she then proceeds to start talking. I couldn't hear what she was talking about though, my ears were still ringing from the explosion. I look at my aircraft as it burns.

"Dad is gonna kill me," I say covering my face with my hands as I stress out. I had some time to think about what caused this if only that other fighter jet didn't appear


I was sitting back in my seat in the cockpit. Just have to pick up a package. They should have sent a normal bullhead. It was already well into the night.

I cut through the air at a moderate speed, it's been 5 hours since I took off, time to do normal check-ups. I leave my cockpit and head to the engine room. As I was checking for leaks, I felt a strange thud. It's not turbulence. That would shake the whole aircraft.

I look closer and closer, but I found nothing out of the ordinary. I had back to the cockpit. We've been flying straight for a long time. And I just noticed another aircraft alongside us.

It was a darker colour, but its main body looked very similar to my aircraft. I could barely see, however, the instruments certainly could. It had two wings that were serrated along with the flaps. The wings had vertical turbines much like mine. (If you need help picturing our plane, it's similar in design to the Milano(peter Quills ship) from guardians of the Galaxy. It's not the same ship, but they are similar, just a reference point so you somewhat know what to picture it's kinda hard to describe)

I take my radio and try to communicate with them. No response

Then suddenly the power went out and I started to fall. I quickly restarted the system and the other plane was behind us now.

"What's this guy playing at," I ask myself

Suddenly, a peaceful night was about to get louder. The plane behind opened fire. I was slow to react and I started dodging the bullets he sent to me. I increase the speed and the engine starts to rev up. My plane is one of the fastest around, but the guy behind is making up ground. And as he does the bullets hit my chassis.

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