Chapter 45

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The plane took off and i grabbed onto dre arm i hate it when the plane first takes off it scares the shit out of me but now i have dre and i know he will keep me safe

* skip to were the plane lands *

I was so nervous what if my mother doesnt approve of the baby no she will never do that she said she will supposed me no matter what  i let out a breath and walked to fetch my luggage but when i was about to take it "you have enough laggage to carry baby" be said motioning to my stomach making me and addy laugh

We got into a uber and drove to my old house, Vancouver doesnt look the same as it use to or ive just been gone for to long. We pull up to the house and theres a car I've never seen before parked outside. Did my mom get a new car? I thought to myself

We climb out of the uber and i walk up to the house and knock after what seems like forever a huge man opens the door "who are you and what do you want" who the fuck is he "uhmmm does Steph massara live here"  he looks at me up and down and licked his lips it made me uncomfortable and dre could see so he put his arm around my waist

"steph heres some people for you at the door" "im comingg" i hear my mothers sweet voice. She walked up to the door "indiana is that you" "yeah its me mom" she smiled so brightly "oh come in come in" she said as me and the the others walked in

That man sat on the couch. "mom this is ondreaz remember" "ohhh your boyfriend i remember so hows your guys relationship"

I looked at him then smiled "thats why we came mom" she looked at me confused "mom we're getting married" she started crying "im so happy for you baby"  "and mom we also flew out to tell you......"

Addison was hugging me and dre was holding my hand its like they could sense i was nervous "mom im pregnant" she looked at me and started crying even more "im going to have a grand child" "yess mom" i said now also in tears, we hugged for a few minutes

"im going out and im not going to be back till next week" the man said and walked out
I gave my mom a look "ill tell you about it later but now you guys have to go up and make yourselves comfortable" i nodded and headed upstairs

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