Chapter 40

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Three weeks have passed and ive been kind of avoiding dre my stomach has a little bump but you cant really see it because i always wear over sized clothing
Then dre called me to the room to have a talk

Shit im going to have to tell him today or om never i need to get it off my chest and i have to prepare myself for the better or the worst

"Indiana i dont think i can go on with this" "what do you mean dre" i ask with tears in my eyes "you are avoiding me and i cant get married to somone who's going to do that" i was loss for words he thinks im cheating on him

"you know what fuck this dre you know why ive been avoiding you cause im pregnant, pregnant with your child and i was scared on telling you cause i was scared you'd leave but i guess thats already done ill raise the child on my own bye dre" i was about to walk out of the room when he grabbed my arm and turned me around to face him

The tears were rolling down his face "your telling ne theres a mini me inside of you" i nodded with tears now coming out of my eyes "but how we used protection but that doesnt even matter ive always wanted a family" be said picking me up and spinning me around i lift up my shirt to show him
He bent down and started talking to my stomach is a baby voice

"heyy baby its daddy talking i cant wait to meet you" he came up to me and kissed me "i love you so much indiana i cant wait to get married to you" i giggled "i love you to dre so are you goinf to tell the others he smiled and ran down the stairs

I walked after him" guys get your asses down here we got some news"....

The reason i smile ||| ondreaz LopezWhere stories live. Discover now