Chapter 30

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"dre call the ambulance now" why her shes the sweetest person i know i should never have left her this is all my fault seeing her laying there out cold

I was to in my thoughts that I didn't even hear the ambulance outside. I watched as the rushed her into the ambulance

"dre ill go with her meet us at the hospital"
He nodded and went to his car thats the last thing i saw before they closed the ambulance doors

"ma'am shes going to be okay but shes going to need to go for a check up" i just wanted her to be okay nothing in thay moment mattered but i nodded showing them that i acknowledge them

We got at the hospital and dre was already at the door waiting for us i ran up to him and hugged him tightly crying "this is all my fault i shouldnt have left her there alone i knew somthing wrong was going to happen" he hugged me even tighter "no bby this not your fault" i just kept crying and decided to send a message in the group chat i haven't spoken to them since i left

                             Hype crew💞
Hey guys uhm.... Im sorry that i havent spoken to none of you guys i just needed to clear my head and i have some bad news

Indiana whats wrong

Avani 🤡
Whats wrong girl

Whats up indi

Whats wrong baby

Talk baby

Omgosh indiana i saw the news is addison okay

Tony 🚁
What does he mean sis

Wait it's on the news already
Me and dre went out on a date and i left addison alone in the house im so stupid i should never have left her
Its all my fault
When she gets out of hospital well book a flight back

Its okay its not your fault Indiana
And yes i answer for everyone you should come back we miss you, dre and addy
Everyone is at the pool talk to you later okay

Okay bye

"family of addison easterling" a man says i look up from my phone "thats us"
"so addison is okay" i let out a breath that i didnt even know i was holding "she can leave if she wants to she only has medication she needs to take if she feels dizzy or nauseous but other then that she's going to be alright" "thank you so much doctor" i say to him "you may go see her room 202" "thank you again" i say before he walks off

I turn to dre who was holding onto my waist and me and him walk into addisons room there she was sitting on her phone

I was in tears and ran up to her
"im so sorry addy i should never of left you"
"its not your fault baby" she says with a warm smile im so glad shes not badly hurt
I dont know what i would of done if she was.....

The reason i smile ||| ondreaz LopezWhere stories live. Discover now