I Can't Go

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I'm driving the II van towards the doctor's office. I hope Marsh is okay. I drove as fast as I could without getting pulled over and we got to the doctor's. I parked the van, then Mic and Apple helped Marsh out of the van. She hopped to the door and I went inside with her. The others waited in the van. I helped Marsh get to the doctor's office and waited outside in the waiting room.

Marsh's POV:
"So, what seems to be the problem?" the doctor asked. I explained to her what happened. "I see, let me just check your ankle," she said kindly. I smiled and held my foot out for her.

This is all my fault. I should've gone upstairs to get my phone instead of Marsh. Then she wouldn't have hurt herself. About ten minutes later, I saw Marsh coming towards me, on crutches. "Marsh! So, what happened?" I asked with concern. "Oh, it's just a sprain thankfully," she said with a smile. "I'll be on crutches until next Friday," she finished. "Marsh, I'm so sorry," I apologized. "What for? It's not your fault," she asked me. "No I feel like it is. I should've gotten my phone instead of you. Then you wouldn't have tripped," I said, feeling guilty. "OJ, it's okay. It's not your fault. I should've been more careful," Marsh said with a small smile. "Beside, it's only a sprain. But I still can't go on the camping trip. I'm okay, really, I am!" I smiled. Marsh is a sweet girl (pun intended). Marsh and I then went back to the van.

Marsh's POV:
OJ seems really concerned but he didn't say anything in the van. Apple on the other hand, kept asking me what happened and a bunch of other questions. "Marshmallow! What happened?!" she kept asking. I explained to her that I had a sprained ankle and I couldn't go on the camping trip. Microphone finally got her to stop asking questions and I sighed. "OJ!" Salt called out. "What?" OJ said with an annoyed tone. "OJ Citrus, stop sounding so annoyed!" Salt commanded. I heard OJ mutter, "Stop being so demanding." I couldn't help myself. I started laughing. Salt must of heard because she started glaring at me. I just laughed harder. OJ laughed as well. Pretty soon, everyone was laughing except Salt and Pepper. Pepper did smile a bit though and it looked like she was trying to hold in a laugh.

Ugh, I wish Salt would leave me alone! But at least I made Marsh laugh. Then I heard something fall on the floor of the car. "Oh great. I dropped my phone again," I heard Marsh say. I would have picked it up but of course I was driving. "I hope my phone didn't crack," she continued. Her phone somehow slid to the front of the van. I carefully reached down (with my eyes on the road of course) and picked it up. I handed it to Pickle, who passed it back until it reached Marsh. "Thanks OJ!" she said. "No problem!" I said back. I looked in the car mirror and saw Marsh smiling. This made me smile too. We finally got back to the hotel. Apple helped Marsh out of the van while I unlocked the door. Marsh hopped with her crutches to the couch and sat down. "I'll be fine guys, don't worry about me. I shouldn't keep anyone from the camping trip," Marsh said. "Are you sure Marsh?" I asked with a look of high concern. "I'm positive. You can go on," she answered with a really cute smile. I've always liked that smile. "Okay, if you're sure," I said unsurely. I walked out of the hotel with the others and walked toward the van. I saw Paper walking nearby and quietly said, "Paper, come here." He looked at me and walked over to me. "Hey OJ, what's up?" he asked. Paper's my best friend and I'm quite sure he'll do me a favor. "Could you help me with something?" I asked. "Of course! Anything for my best friend!" he said with a grin. "I'm going back," I started to say. "YOU'RE GOING BA-" he interrupted. I covered his mouth to keep him from shouting. "Shush!" I said. "Oops, sorry. I just got really excited," he apologized sheepishly. I laughed quietly and said, "I think Marsh will need help. The elevator's broken anyway and how is Marsh going to go up the stairs on her own? She could fall and make her sprained ankle worse," I explained. "So, what do you want me to do?" he asked me. "I need you to drive the van to the campground. But don't tell anyone that I left. Especially Salt," I said. "Okie dokie," he said with a smile. "Thanks Paper," I said. "I'll drive to the gas station and say that we're going to buy some stuff and that's when you take over," I continued explaining. He nodded and we got back in the van.

A/N: Another chapter done! Sorry I took so long to update. I've been busy with guests at my house. Don't forget to check out my Doctor Who Fanfic: Night Of The Nightmares! R&R, vote, and comment! Thanks for reading!

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