Grocery Store Madness Part 1

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Can it be?! An actual new chapter?! Ellie isn't dead?! *LE GASP*

My shoulder still hurts from the glass, but I'm starting to get used to the pain. Once Marsh and I walked inside the grocery store, I picked up a basket with my right hand. Might as well get some other stuff while we're here. As we went through the aisles, Marsh slowly following me, I looked at the different items in the aisles. Since I was ahead of her, I couldn't see her without turning around, and I didn't want to run into anyone, or seem like I was being creepy or something like that. I don't wanna be like Salt... I found the toilet paper, then I realized something. This isn't gonna fit in the basket... I sighed and mentally facepalmed myself.

"Something wrong OJ?" the high-pitched voice from behind me asked.

"Well, I realized that I was being an idiot. One package of toilet paper wouldn't fit in this basket, never mind multiple..." I responded to Marsh.

"Oh... Well... I didn't realize that either, until you mentioned it... Heh, guess neither of us realized it. I'd help carry some, but... You know..." she told me, glancing down at her ankle. I nodded understandingly.

"I guess I could take multiple trips to the car..." I blandly stated. "Or stack them on top of each other."

"Maybe we should ask one of the employees. They could help carry them out for us!" Marsh suggested. I smiled.

"Heh, great idea! Why didn't I think of that?" I asked, chuckling slightly. Marsh laughed lightly. "Maybe... If you don't mind, maybe you could go find someone please? I'm gonna go get the car and bring it up to the entrance of the store," I suggested.

"Sure, I don't mind," she replied, then headed off to go find an employee.

I walked outside towards the car. As I walked, I sneezed twice. Plus I kinda coughed a few times. "Must be allergies or something..." I muttered to myself. I reached the car, then got in the driver's seat. I started up the car and drove to the entrance of the store. Hopefully, Marsh found an employee.

Marsh's POV:
As I moved around the store, trying to find an employee, a thought came upon me. Wait... Shouldn't OJ have gone to the hospital...?! Oh my marsh! How did I not even think of that?! Omg, how did neither of us think of that? Well, maybe OJ did... But he just didn't tell me about it... OJ! He's trying not to make me worried... "Maybe he's okay... I'll ask him once we leave..." I quietly told myself. I continued to look around the store. I then finally saw a guy wearing the store's uniform. Finally! I went up to the guy. "Um, excuse me?" I asked. I got no response from him. He was stacking some fruit on displays. I quietly cleared my throat, then said again, "Excuse me?" The guy finally responded.

"Hmm?" he asked, turning around. "Can I help y-" he started to said, then he stopped his sentence. I was now able to see his face. Well, most of it. He was wearing black sunglasses.

Why's he wearing sunglasses inside? I questioned myself. I then mentally shrugged. Weird how he stopped his sentence all of a sudden. "Uh, hi, could you help me and my friend carry some stuff to our car? I can't really help since I have these crutches," I said, moving them slightly to make a gesture towards them. "And my friend, he hurt his shoulder, so he can only use one arm," I added. He didn't respond verbally at first. He just slightly smiled. "Um... So... Could you help us? Or find someone who can?" I asked again.

"Well, of course I will. Anything for my Marshmallow," the guy said, his smile slightly bigger. My eyes widened.

"W-what...?" I asked. "H-how do you know m-my name...?!" I asked, creeped out.

"Oh Marsh, do you really not recognize me?" the guy asked, reaching for his shades.

(A/N: #Cliffhanger =P
Just kidding XD
It's a short break. Time to check in with Salt.)

Salt's POV:
OMG, why is the hotel soooo faaaar?? I hate walking! Where am I anyway? I seriously wish I had gotten the keys for the van and drove the van to the hotel... That would've been so much easier! Ugh, I can't believe OJ would actually ditch me to take care of that stupid Marshmallow! I just wish that she would stay out of my way! Besides, the world would be better off without her. Who needs her anyway? I was just walking down the highway tiredly. I wish Pepper was here with me... I'm so lonely... Of course, I'd rather it be OJ. I hope the hotel's not that much farther... I don't wanna sleep out here...

Marsh's POV:
As the mystery man reached for his sunglasses, I was very worried. How did this guy know my name?! The man took off his sunglasses, then I gasped. "Y-you..." He simply smiled, but not a friendly smile. A sly smile.

"You really didn't recognize me... Wow Marsh... You'd think that you would remember me... Your favorite ex," he said with a wink. My eyes narrowed.

"You're the only ex I've had..." I informed him.

"Oh? So you never got together with anyone else?" he asked.

"No... I haven't..." I answered, rolling my eyes.

"Ha, I bet it's because you secretly wanted me back," he said, winking again.

"You wish... I dumped you, remember?"

"Do you even remember my name?"

"I'd rather not remember it..." I responded.

"Darling, I don't see how you'd want to forget me," he said, smirking.

"Ugh, Graham Cracker, please, could you just do your job?" I asked.

"So you do remember my name!" Graham Cracker exclaimed. I simply rolled my eyes.

"I'll just go find someone else to help me..." I stated, turning around, about to leave, when I suddenly felt an arm wrap around my waist.

"Oh, baby, you're not going anywhere..."

A/N: Oh man, running into your ex. Yikes...
So, I've finally updated! I'm gonna leave you on a cliffhanger though. Okay, I won't leave you like this for another three months! I'm sorry for not updating for so long. Perhaps you thought I wouldn't get it out on time? Well, I did. :D
Anywho, how's OJ gonna react to GC?
I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
See ya next time in the second part of Grocery Store Madness in Putting You First!

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