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Sorry this isn't an update.

I'm gonna be on a week-long hiatus.

Nuuuuu whyyyyy

I won't have Internet for the week, so...

No Wattpad for me. ;-;

But I should still have fun lol, it's a camp.

I am close to finishing the next chapter of Putting You First, and there's a small chance that it will be published tonight or tomorrow morning before I leave.

Don't count on it though. No promises.

So, I'll be gone from Sunday afternoon on July 3 - Sunday evening on July 10.

I have an flight to catch almost right when I get back from the camp, so depending on if the plane's wifi cooperates or not, I probably won't be back on fully until July 11 (or it'll be really early in the morning). I may be able to check notifications right before the flight, but if I don't get the chapter out today or tomorrow, it won't be out until sometime after I get off the plane.

Love you guys, and see you after the hiatus! :3

Putting You First (OJ X Marsh)Where stories live. Discover now