Thunderstorms: Good or Bad?

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A/N: Ayyyyyy I'm back from my hiatus! HERE'S THE NEXT CHAPTER WOO

Marsh's POV:
The shock of the accidental, yet faint, kiss made me speechless. As if neither of us knew that moving away was possible, we just stared at each other, completely dumbfounded. Neither of us moved a millimeter, making the kiss neither less, nor more than it was already.

I finally realized what was happening, then quickly leaned back away from him.

A little too quickly. I fell off the bed.

Well, almost.

As if OJ had some sort of natural instinct, he immediately leaned forward and wrapped his arms around me. He then pulled me back up so that I wouldn't fall.

"Maybe you shouldn't stay on the edge..." OJ told me.

"Y-yeah... You're r-right..." I replied. What do I do then...???

"Here, you can sit next to me," he then said, tilting his head to the other side of the bed.

"O-okay..." I then crawled to the other side of the bed after OJ let me go. I sat there, completely clueless of what to do.

"So... Whatcha wanna do now?" OJ then asked. I guess he didn't know what to do either.

"Uh... I don't know... M-movie...?" I suggested. Why am I still stuttering?!?!

"Alright, what movie?" OJ asked, a comforting smile on his face.

"I don't know... You have any ideas...?"

"Well, I've been meaning to watch that new horror movie that came out recently... But I'm guessing you don't wanna watch that, so..." OJ said, then trailed off and looked like he was thinking about other ideas. He knows me so well. I absolutely hate horror movies.

I don't know why... Maybe because I wanted him to be happy, but I suddenly said,

"No, no... We can watch it."

"What? But Marsh, you don't like horror..."

"I-I'll be fine...! Let's watch it."

I think I just made a terrible mistake, but there's no going back now.

"Well... Alright then... But just know we can stop the movie any time."

"O-okay..." Stop stuttering, Marsh!!

OJ pulled out the MePad he owned, then found the movie. He then used it to play the movie on the TV in his room.

"You sure you're alright with this?" OJ asked again. As much as I wanted to say no, I nodded.

"Just... Leave the lights on, okay?" I then quietly told him. He smiled and nodded in understanding. He then pressed play...

I hesitantly pressed play, still not thinking that Marsh wanted to watch this. The movie started up, and it already seemed a bit creepy. I glanced over at Marsh and saw that she was hugging one of the pillows as she stared at the screen with wide eyes.

Basically, it was about this girl who gets stalked by a demon, then it starts to tell her to do certain things, such as killing, and then eventually the demon possesses her all together and she turns all freaky and nightmarishly scary.

Marsh looked terrified throughout the entire movie.

Towards the end, when the girl gets possessed, I noticed that it started raining outside. It was pretty dark out too.

There were quite a few jumpscares throughout the movie, but the one at the very end was the most frightening. It made me flinch slightly from it, though jumpscares don't usually get me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2016 ⏰

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