Pizza Problems and Attack On Objects Marathon

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Marsh's POV:
After we got through ten episodes of AOO, I was getting hungry again. As if OJ could read my thoughts, he said, "You getting hungry?" I nodded. "How about pizza?" he asked. "Sure! Sounds good," I replied. OJ paused the TV and got up to get his phone. "Any toppings?" he asked. I shook my head. "No thanks," I said. "Hi, could I have one large cheese?" OJ asked the pizza person on the phone. He waited for an answer. "No, a cheese pizza," he said. I gave him a questioning look. OJ looked annoyed by the pizza person. "No other toppings," OJ said. "And a bottle of root beer, please," he continued. "No, root beer," he repeated. "Wha- No we don't want your pineapple!" OJ said. I'm so confused right now... "You don't need to be going in my personal life!" OJ nearly yelled. "Sir, I said a cheese piz- Oh forget it," OJ said then hung up. "Geez, what is wrong with this guy?" he asked. I gave him a confused look. "Oh, right. Basically, he first thought that I wanted a large cheese. A large piece of cheese. I corrected him and said 'no other toppings' and then he asked if I wanted some toppings. I asked for a bottle of root beer and he thought I meant actually beer and then he asked if I want to buy his pineapple. I said 'Wha- No we don't want your pineapple!' and he asked who 'we' was! 'Is it a girl?' he asks. Then I told him not to get in my personal life and he asked what I wanted to order again. I just gave up after that," he explained. I laughed slightly. "A pineapple?" I asked. He nodded. I giggled a bit. This caused OJ to laugh. He walked to the freezer and said, "I'm pretty sure I bought a pizza earlier this week... Ah! There it is!" He pulled out a frozen "make-your-own" pizza. He opened the box and pulled out the dough.

After I pulled out the dough, I decided to test my dough spinning skills. I flattened the dough a bit and tossed it in the air, Marsh watching me. It wasn't too hard. Then I tried spinning it on one finger. That didn't work. It went in the air and broke when it hit my finger. I looked at Marsh. She was laughing. I smiled and said, "Total pizza-making skills." I started to laugh too. I fixed the dough and just flattened it with a rolling pin. I spread some sauce on it and put cheese on it. On one half of the pizza, I placed slices of pepperoni. I left the other side plain for Marsh. I put it in the oven and sat back down on the couch. I pressed "play" and we continued our AOO marathon. After another episode was done, the pizza was finished. I got up and walked to the oven. I got the pizza and set it out to cool. After another five minutes, I cut the pizza and placed three slices of the pepperoni pizza on my plate. "Marsh? How many slice do you want?" I asked. "Just two," she replied. I placed two slices of the cheese pizza on her plate. I brought the two plates to the living room and handed Marsh her plate. "Thanks OJ," she said. "No problem," I replied. I sat down with my pizza and I pressed "play" again. We were on the twelfth episode. We had finished episode 20 when we decided to go to bed. Marsh stood up and moved to the stairs. I followed her to the stairs.

Marsh's POV:
I stared up the stairs. Were there always so many of them? I placed my crutches on the stairs, about to attempt to go up. I got up one step when I lost my balance and fell backwards. Expecting to hit the ground, I shut my eyes. When I never felt the ground, I opened my eyes and saw OJ, who had caught me. "You okay?" he asked. I nodded. "I think you need help," he pointed out. I nodded again. He picked me up, bridal style, and walked up the stairs. Geez, he's strong. I thought to myself. When he reached the top of the set of stairs, he walked into my room, setting me on the bed. I sat up. "I'll go get yo- Are you okay, Marsh?" he asked, looking at my face. "Yeah, why?" I asked. "Your face seems a bit flushed... It's not too hot up here, is it?" he asked, seeming concerned. Actually, I was blushing, but I didn't admit it. "N-no. I'm fine," I replied nervously. "Okay, if you say so. I'll go get your crutches," he said while leaving my room. I waited for a minute while he went to go get them. He came back with them and handed them to me. "Thanks," I said. "You're welcome," he responded. I got up and went to the bathroom. After I (carefully) got a shower, I brushed my teeth and went back to my room. I changed into a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. I turned off the lights and was about to close the door, when OJ came over to me. "If you need anything, just call me," he said. "Good night," he continued. "Okay. Night," I replied, then closed the door. I got in my bed and almost immediately fell asleep.

I laid down in my bed, trying to go to sleep. But, my thoughts kept me awake. Would Marsh be okay by herself? Would I be able to carry her downstairs without falling? Would I be able to take care of her properly? Would Salt run all the way back to me when she realizes I'm not there?! That thought was really bothering me. I sighed and put in my earbuds. I turned on my "Favorites" playlist and turned off my phone. As I listened to the music, I eventually fell asleep.

A/N: Well, another chapter done!Sorry it's kinda short. Hope you enjoyed it! Vote, comment, and thanks for reading!

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