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So Zayn was a drug addict and if still haven't figure out who her is well you'll be surprised later on, but for now on

Read author note at the end it's important please.


"So he just yelled at you for bumping into him?" Gemma asked for the hundred time, Marcel nodded curling up into a ball resting his head on his knees. "What a douche." She muttered.

Sitting next to her small brother, she wrapped her arm around his shoulder bringing him into a hug that he desperately needed. He liked his sisters hugs, it reminded him of his grandma who sadly passed away a couple of months ago. He still misses her till this day loving her cooking the sweet rich smell of her cookies filling the air. Marcel nuzzle his head in Gemma shoulder wanting to get comfortable and rest.His head hurts from thinking about why Zayn was angry at him.

Soon the sound of the door banging echo through the apartment making Marcel whine and hide his head in Gemma neck not wanting to hear the bloody sound of the constant banging.

"I'M COMING!" Gemma yelled pulling away from her brother to open the door which reviled Niall and Zayn. "Jesus Christ do you have any idea what the bloody time is?!" She spat making Zayn not faze by her anger.

"Where's Marcel?" Zayn asked

"Who are you?"

"Non of your business. Where is Marcel?" He was getting impatient by now and wanted to see if the boy was okay. You like him. His mind said No I don't!

"Sorry to interrupt your shouting contest, but I'm Mr.Horan and I'm Marcel shrink or therapist and sorry for my friend rudeness bit it's important if we see him." Niall explain.

"Pfft I wasn't born yesterday, why do you want to speak to him I can give him a message if you like?"

"Gemma?" Marcel voice was near and Zayn knew it. He pushed pass the sister making her groan has Niall try to apologize for Zayn behavior and rudeness. "Who's at the door and why are you-Zayn?" Marcel squeak.

"Oh this is the douche that yelled at you." Gemma voice was on the edge. "Marcel you better call the cops cause I'm gonna kill this bastard." She gritted her teeth.Niall stepped in between her and Zayn handing her a card making her raise a brow. "What's this?"

"That is my card just in case you need to talk to somebody about your anger issues." He said making gemma narrow her eyes at him making Niall back away from her. "I'm just putting it out there."

Zayn rolled his eyes moving to Marcel making him back away quickly. Zayn notice how Marcel eyes were puffy and red from crying, guilt was building in Zayn. He felt bad for scaring the boy but he had a bad day how all his teachers were telling him he was going to fail and how he'll be nothing. Marcel looked down at his feet feeling small and not knowing what to do since Gemma and Niall are fighting over how she doesn't have anger issues.

Marcel breath hitches feeling Zayn hand crease his cheek softly, his fingers rough and dry but it didn't bother Marcel. Zayn lifted Marcel head by his chin with his thumb and finger making him look into his eyes. "I'm so sorry." Zayn whispered wiping the tear that fell from Marcel eye. "I didn't mean to yell or scare you like that..I was in a bad mood and..." Zayn couldn't find the words so he did one thing he knew.

He kissed Marcel.

"Fuck you!" Gemma shouted kicking Niall out of the apartment. "And you-well shit." She said once she saw Zayn kissing her brother.

Zayn pulled away and smirked has Marcel just blushed and bite his bottom lip ,a bit embarrassed. He liked the kiss though the way Zayn scruff would rub against his skin, his lips pressed against his and how smooth they were. He could also taste the cigarette off of his tongue. This was Marcel first kiss with a boy, a boy who practically scared him just from a single glare but Marcel knew the dangerous ones are the ones with hearts and feelings ,but always seems to hide them the fear of being hurt themselves. Zayn was different from the kids at school he was good never really bother anyone at school unless they bothered him, but that hardly happened cause kids were not terrified of him just, they didn't want to screw with him.

"You two done staring at each other?" Gemma asked. "I mean it's like 10 at night and Marcel has to go to bed and you gotta leave."

Marcel groan, "Gemma can you give us a few minutes to talk please?" Marcel plead has Gemma nodded going to her room.

"She's your sister?" Zayn asked and Marcel nodded. "She seems lovely and a bit bitchy towards Niall." Marcel smiled slightly knowing how his sister is.

Zayn cupped Marcel cheek softly creasing his skin. The smooth feeling under his rough fingers made Marcel close his eyed slightly. "Im so sorry," Zayn mumble "I'm sorry ,I didn't mean to yell at you and didn't mean anything I said to I..I was just so angry at myself and I took it out on you." Zayn placed his forheade against Marcles.

Marcel let a tear fall, "Its okay, I forgive you." He said looking at Zayn giving him a small smile. "You should go already. We have school tomorrow." Truth was Marcel didn't want Zayn to go he wanted him to stay and lay with him till he fell asleep and kiss him all night.

"Okay I'll see you tomorrow," Zayn pressed his lips against Marcel."goodnight Marcel"

"Goodnight Zayn."

Once Zayn left Gemma pop her head around the wall. "So you fucking him or..?"

"Goodnight Gem." Marcel groan.


"I said goodnight!"

An: Sooooo *blinks eyes fast* what do you think?

How did you like that Zarcel kiss I put in for y'all?! And what did you think of Gemma? Personally she's funny to me in the book and a bit bitchy cause you know she's very protective of Marcel.


I won't post for a few days or write cause I'm going to San Antonio to go to sea world and the zoo to be with my family.

But when my mom told me about going to sea world I started laughing to myself cause you know Harry and sea world dram that went down like chill, all he said "do you like dolphins?" Maybe the fan said "no" and he said "don't go to sea world" then sea world came in.

But I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I love you guys so much I really do cause without you I wouldn't be telling you this.

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Thank you: Z.Z

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