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A month later..

A month had passed and it was already April, spring was here and the end of school letting all the teens go for spring break and have fun and let loose and party, well not for Marcel , it was more of stay inside and not come out into the world and stick his nose in books or study even though he practically knows everything ,but is paranoid has always.

Partying wasn't him, even when he was with Liam and Sophia he wouldn't want to go even if they forced him to he would just stay in one of the rooms away from the drugs and alcohol and give them a ride after since they were bloody drunk and very horny. Ever since then he stayed home and work when he could find a job.

Marcel looked up from his book has he smelled the familiar cigarette scent and smiled widely. "Hey Zayn!" He said before kissing Zayn on the lips.

Has they pulled away, Zayn lay besides him and pulled Marcel closer to him by the hips. "What you reading babe?" He asked his lips on Marcel neck placing small kisses.

Marcel blushed."um nothing, it's stupid." He said trying to put the book away but Zayn grabbed it before he had a chance to hide it.

"Algebra? C'mon babe, schools out we can do anything!" He said tossing the book to the floor making Marcel roll his eye's.

"Really so if I say, "Lets burn down a house," would you do it?"

"Sure, why not? Seems acceptable in my book." Zayn teased has Marcel shook his head and climbed on Zayn lap. "Whoa, Mars, it's a bit early for you to give me a lap dance-Ow!"

"God you can be such a perv you know?" Zayn smirked. "But it's cute on you."

Zayn laugh. "Being a perv is cute?" Marcel nodded. "You have a weird term for cute." Marcel shrugged.

"You never told me why your here, so why are you?" He cocked a brow.

Zayn gasp dramatically placing his hand on his hear. "You hear that? Thats the sound of my heart cracking." He said fake crying.

"A bit dramatic don't you think?" Marcel rolled off of Zayn and went to grab his book. "Seriously Zayn why are you here? Shouldn't you be out with your friends and party or something."

Zayn frown has Marcel began to read the book again and lean over taking it away from Marcel hand making Marcel whine. Zayn brought Marcel back to his hips and stared at the boy and reached up taking his glasses off. For the first time Zayn saw his green eyes so beautiful and breathtaking. They stand out from his pale skin his lips rosy pink and so plum Zayn has the earge to kiss the boy and he did savoring his sweet lips how they feel soft against his.

This lasted for a few seconds, pulling away Zayn smiled at him has Marcel did the same with a hint of blush. "Get dressed we're going out."

"Zayn where are we?"

Marcel voice squeaked has they both walked into the dark woods has he jumped on every noise made by the woods. Like seriously? Who brings someone to woods unless their a psychotic! We thats what Marcel thought. Marcel stopped his movement when he realized Zayn might kill him and hid behind a tree breathing deeply hoping Zayn won't notice.

"Marcel?" Shit! He thought. "Babe what are you doing behind that tree?" Zayn appear on the side of the tree the moonlight crease his tan skin.

"Are you gonna murder me?" Marcel squeaked and cursed to himself for not being tough.

Zayn chuckled, "and why would I do that?" He cocked a brow and kept walking.

Glasses and Cigarettes {Zarcel}✔Where stories live. Discover now