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An: I love Michelle Rodriguez she's such a powerful women!

"Why aren't we not calling the cops?" Niall hissed as he looked at the women who broken into his home. "I swear to God, Cole if you say your the cop I'll kick your angry ass, your off duty for a week."

Cole shut his mouth looking at Marcel who just stared at the ground and Dom notice how quite and shy he is and why would Zayn choose such a innocent young man to love.

"Relax, I'm here to talk to Marcel, that's if he's alright with it." She looks over to Marcel who looked like he was about to faint any second now.

"Yeah, that's fine." He squeaks.

Marcel leads her to the backyard to talk to her reassuring Niall and Cole that he'll be okay as Niall was freaking out about Dom.

"Your friend seems over dramatic." She chuckles.

"I have-he's not my friend just theripest." He quickly explains.

She dropped her smile and replaced it with a frown actually taking a closer look at him and seeing how sensitive and careful he is with everything probably shaking like a small dog in his spot. Marcel notice her staring down at him making him nervous at her posture and the way she looked to rough for a woman.

"So, what did you need to talk about? I'm sure Zayn sent you." He asked hopeful.

"That's the problem, Zayn didn't send me, I came to warn you about something and I know your past very well." she lowered her tone as Marcel gulps.

"Zayn sent me this back, I don't know why he didn't get rid of it, anyway off topic," she shakes her head and hands him the file. "Anything familiar with this man?" she showes him a picture of a man that Marcel doesn't reconized.

"Am I suppose to know him?" he asked making her shake her head.

"No, its a sorta good, well this man is West Styles, but Zayn figures out everything and it seens this man is not you father." Marcel hesrt stood still for a second.

"Your father is somewhere here looking for you and your sister, I don't know why, but you can't trust anyone from this point not even your theripest." she whispers.

"I don't know why he sent a look alike to be kill-I mean undercover for him, but Zayn is with one of my best guys to make sure he's taken care of."

"Where is Zayn?"

"Zayn where the hell are we?" Troy asked as he cover his eyes from the bright sun in his face. "If this is Miami I rather go to Alaska, cause it's hot up in this bitch."

Zayn rolled his eyes as he placed a electric fan to his face. "We're outside of Bradford, summer is just a few days away it's the heat wave that's coming." He rolled his eyes.

"Hmm, no wonder I thought it was a cold wind!" He grits making zayn pause his movement.

"Someone is watching us, Green Tea Cafe ,we have to hide." He turns around to see men running behind a building.

"We have to go now," He grits quickly walking towards a random car and pick locking it making the door open and immediately hotwire. "Here take off the license plate." He hands a screwdriver.

Troy came back with two plates in hand as the car finally rumble to life as shouts came from the far telling everyone to get down. Zayn took it as a hint to drive off and not looking back.

Soon gun fire were shot and flew into Zayn shoulder making him cuss as he let it fall limp telling Troy to fire back as he kept ducking away from incoming bullets.  Zayn felt blood run down his arm puddling next to him as he tried to drive as fast as he could to get to Doms warehouse for safety.

Glasses and Cigarettes {Zarcel}✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ