Chapter 15: Jealousy

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3rd Person's POV

Denki texted you that he'll be late so you walked to school alone. You were walking alone when someone called out your name.

"Y/n?" You looked behind you to see Midoriya running towards you.

"Hi Izuku!" I greeted him

"Woah you seem happy today." he smiled

"Yeah" you smiled back

"How's Denki?" he asked

"He feels better already."

You and Midoriya started laughing and joking around. When you guys reached school, you guys went to your locker.

Denki was about to run to you when he noticed you and Midoriya were laughing non stop and giving each other high fives. He felt jealousy run through his veins, but instead of approaching you he just went inside the classroom and sat quietly.

"Bro you look serious today, are you sure you're not sick anymore?" Kirishima asked worriedly.

"I'm just sleepy." Denki lied, he wasn't even a bit sleepy.

Then the bell rang you and Midoriya went to the classroom together and people layed their eyes on you two. You just shrugged it off because you didn't want any issue.

As you were going to your seat you noticed your boyfriend was already there.

"I thought you were gonna be late today?" You smiled as you were glad that he's here anyway. He didn't answer but you decided to shrug it off.


You and Denki walked to the cafeteria together but he's still silent. As you see Midoriya you wanted to sit on his table.

"Lets eat with Mid-" Before you could finish your sentence Denki grabs your wrist and pulls you to a different table.

"Are you ok?" you asked as you were shocked by Denki's action.

"I'm fine." the yellow haired boy finally spoke but with a blank expression.

"Ok if you say so." You and Denki ate in silence which made you feel uncomfortable. You thought maybe he was just having a very bad day so you also shrugged it off.


"Ok today we'll have an project." All Might announced

"...The partners will be Kirishima and Bakugo, Kaminari and Sero, Midoriya and Y/n..."

"Dammit" Denki whispered to himself.

Sero sat down beside Denki for this project.

"Bro you ok?" Sero asked because Denki looked like he was annoyed.

"Ugh, its just she's partner with him."

"You mean y/n and Midoriya? I mean they're just friends, wait you're jealous aren't ya~" Sero teased.

"Shut up"

Denki's POV

~After class~

I felt someone hugging me from the back. It was y/n, then she held my hands.

"You're very serious today, did something happened?" she said worriedly, then Sero passed by.

"Pshhh, he's just jealous." then she looks at me confused.

"Who are you Jealous of?" she started shaking me as she insists.

"No one!" then she pouts and walks away. Did I just yell at her? Damn I feel guilty.

"Wait!" I grabbed her hand. I sighed and said

"Ok, I was jealous of Midoriya." she looks back at me and hugs me.

"But you're my boyfriend, he's just one of my close friends." she smiled and she put her lips on mine, I have to admit I was so red.

"I know that, I just don't you to fall for someone else."

"Awww but trust me, I only love you~"

"I love you too~"

Thanks for reading!
New chapter everyday 🥴💖
Have a nice day/night ☀️🌙

Electrify My Heart (Denki x Reader) C͟O͟M͟P͟L͟E͟T͟E͟D͟Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin