Round Three

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Good morning, afternoon or night! I hope you're all as excited as I am for round three!

There are 12 contestants left, and next round, another person will be eliminated.

All of you did a very good job last round, so I want to congratulate you for that! Judging was really fun, and I look forward to seeing your entries for this round.


In this round, you're doing a cover and an information poster, based on any animal that you want! <3

Size: 512x800
Title: The name of your animal, or a name that represents it. (For example, 'The King of the Jungle' to represent a Lion).
Subtitle: It's optional, and you can put whatever you want as long as it fits the cover.
Requirements: Your chosen animal has to be in the cover. Also, remember to include your name or username and 'Cherry Graphic Wars Entry.'

Information Poster
Size: Any size is okay as long as it's a square.
Requirements: Write some information about your chosen animal. You can write whatever you want, for example: fun facts, diet, habitat...

(These are very simple, oops)


Information Poster

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Information Poster

~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•ComfortableShows HYUNSUKVEVO

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ComfortableShows HYUNSUKVEVO

Since you were the winners of last round, you will have an advantage.

I will PM you a list of animals and some interesting information about them, and it is up to you if you want to use one of them or not.

Note: Both lists will be different, so you don't choose the same animal.

Judging Criteria:

Creativity: 10 points

Choose an interesting animal, write some interesting information. Try to think outside of the box with your design, and make it unique.

Cover: 30 points

This section will be divided in two parts.

Editing: 20 points
-Complexity: 5 points
-Neatness of the cover: 5 points
-Skills: 5 points
-Text placement and font: 5 points

Theme and colors: 10 points
The choice of colors and the theme of the cover is crucial in this round. You have to make it attractive.

Information Poster: 30 points

This section will be divided in two parts.

Design: 20 points
You have to choose the right colors to make a well made design. It has to be attractive and make people want to read it.

Text: 10 points
Since you have to include information in this graphic, choose a nice font. Check the spacing of the words, the style and grammar.

Overall: 10 points

The way both graphics look together. They have to complement each other, and this section will be focused on the overall appearance of your graphics.

Deadline: May 28th at 11:59 pm, PST time.

If you have any questions, you can comment them here! <3

Also, comment on this chapter so I know you've seen it.

Remember to tag me in the chapter with your entry. For better quality, you can PM me a link to your entry.

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