
125 12 0

First Place Winner
-A graphic resource pack (Backgrounds, Face Claims, PNGS, Ideas)
-15 votes/comments on a book of your choice.
-A sticker (optional)
-A follow from this account.
-A follow from daydreamcommunity .
-Your book added to the hall of fame and reading list.

Second Place Winner
-A graphic resource pack (Backgrounds, Face Claims, PNGS, Ideas. You are able to pick two)
-10 votes/comments on a book of your choice.
-A sticker (optional)
-A follow from this account.
-A follow from daydreamcommunity .
-Your book added to the hall of fame and reading list.

Third Place Winner
-A graphic resource pack (Backgrounds, Face Claims, PNGS, Ideas. You are able to pick one.)
-5 votes/comments on a book of your choice.
-A sticker (optional)
-A follow from this account.
-A follow from daydreamcommunity .
-Your book added to the hall of fame and reading list.

Good luck to all accepted contestants! Remember the forms are open until March 31st, keep entering! <3

Cherry Graphic Warsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें