Round One

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Hello participants and spectators!
The first edition of Cherry Graphic Wars has officially started!

For this round, the contestants will have to design a book cover following a prompt. Since this is the first competition and I don't really know the styles of the designers, that's what I'm going to find out in this first round!

This round will be judged by my sister Gia ( euphoriacolors ) and me! For future rounds, I might need help of some co-judges, so please PM me if you're interested in judging! <3


Graphic: Cover (512x800)
Title: Golden
Subtitle: (optional, you choose)
Genre: This is the fun part! Since the title is pretty neutral, you get to choose which genre to make!
Author: Your name or your username.
Additional notes: You have to include 'Cherry Graphic Wars Entry' in some part of the cover. You get to choose your own colors, mood, and add whatever you want.

~Judging Criteria~

Creativity. 20 points
The creativity is the most important part of this competition. You have to use the one-word title that I gave you and turn it into something unique! You have loads of opportunities, please be original. <3

Editing: 50 points
I will divide the editing in four sections:

Complexity of the cover: 10 points
-If the cover is extremely easy to make, I'll reduce some points. For example, just placing the text over a picture you downloaded from google.

Skills: 20 points
-Managing lightning and shadows.
-Cropping abilities.
-Blending abilities.
-Neatness of the cover

Text placement and font: 10 points
-Is the text legible?
-Does the font match the rest of the cover?
-Are there any grammar mistakes?
-Is the text placed correctly on the cover?
-Does the text look good on the cover?

Theme and colors: 10 points
-Do the colors used match?
-Does the cover stick to one single theme?
-Does the color scheme make the cover attractive?

Overall: 10 points
The cover should be attractive and make me want to read the book. It should also cause a good first impression of the book, looking neat and interesting.

T O T A L: 80 points

The deadline for submitting your cover is April 15th. The winners will be announced on April 19th.

If you have a question, you can comment here

~Received Entries~

Please comment on this chapter so I know you've seen it!

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