Mini Contest (Closed)

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Hello! While we wait for the war to start, I've decided to do a mini contest! And the best part is, that it doesn't matter if you're not a participant.

This is totally optional. It won't affect the participants' scores in the war. This contest will help you practice and get feedback. Also, this will give you an idea of how I'm posting the prompts or themes for each round.

Without further ado, let's move on to the prompts!

Prompt #1
Book Cover
Title: First Date
Author: Gia Cullen
Genre: Horror
Subtitle: (Optional, be creative)
Summary: Spoiler Alert
Bree is a 20 year old girl who has never had a date before. She meets Tom in a train and immediately falls in love with him. A five-hour train ride later, they schedule a date at Tom's house. When everything seemed perfect, Bree discovers that Tom has been dead for 8 years.
Mood and Colors: Dark colors, a mystery vibe.
Requirements: Must include a train.
-A permanent follow from euphoriacolors
-A book of your choice will be added to euphoriacolors reading list.
-If my sister (Gia) likes it, she'll use it as the cover for her book. (Obviously she'll give credits)
-A Sticker (optional)
-An honest comment about your cover.

Prompt #2
Book Cover
Title: Underwater
Author: Cherry and Gia Cullen
Genre: Fantasy
Subtitle: (Optional, be creative)
Summary: Alexia runs away from her wedding, afraid of commitment. She walks for hours, until she gets to the ocean. There, she finds an old witch, who promises to give her a better life and solution to all of her problems. A little spell later, Alexia's life turns upside down... or underwater.
Mood and Colors: You can be as creative as you want when choosing the colors.
Requirements: The cover has to be related to the "underwater" theme.
-A permanent follow from euphoriacolors
-A book of your choice will be added to euphoriacolors and my reading list.
-If my sister and I like it, we'll use it as the cover for her book. (Obviously we'll give credits)
-A Sticker (optional)
-An honest comment about your cover.

Prompt #3
For this prompt, you have to make an icon with a girl. You can include whoever you want, but here are some ideas: (optional)
-Jessica Barden
-Madelaine Petsch
-Maia Mitchell
-Billie Eilish

-A permanent follow from this account
-A book of your choice will be added to my reading list.
-If I like it, I'll use it as the icon for my profile. (Obviously I'll give credits)
-A Sticker (optional)
-An honest comment about your icon.

Judging Criteria:


Following the prompt: 5 points
Font: 5 points
Creativity: 10 points
Neatness: 10 points
Skills: 10 points
Overall: 10 points

Total: 50 points

Picture: 5 points
Creativity: 5
Skills: 10
Quality: 5
Overall: 15

Total: 40 points

How to participate:

1- Comment "Joining" on this chapter and tag three graphic designers.

2- Include which prompt(s) you're using.

3- PM me the link of where I can find your entry. You can also ask for my email if you want to send it with a better quality.

If you have any questions, comment on this chapter or PM me!


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