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Turns out it wouldn't be easy.

Ezreal sighed as he popped into the Smooth Smoothie Bar, the doorbell jangling as he stepped through, the sun setting behind him. He'd really wanted to try to ask Lux out for a date, but the universe seemed to be plotting against him today.

Ahri insisted the team meeting be called off a few hours early, but didn't offer an explanation why, practically dragging her team out of Lux's house. Lux herself was also acting strange, like it was yesterday at school all over again, but just reserved for him. Every time he'd found an opportunity to catch her alone, she'd clam up with one word answers and look real awkward, never making eye contact with him and keep walking when he tried talking.

It was enough to make Ezreal stutter over his words until Lux latched onto another Guardian like a lifesaver buoy. There was no way he could make a clear confession with the others watching, that'd just lead to trouble, especially with how Ahri was watching him whenever he tried to talk to Lux.

His leader may have thought she was sly, but he caught her gaze a few times, pretending like he wanted to talk to her so she didn't awkwardly look away. It was about then that she wanted to leave, after the fourth or fifth attempt to talk to Lux.

Ahri wanted to talk to him about something, but he wasn't exactly in the mood for whatever she had to say, and shifted to the Smoothie Bar.

All in all, today went poorly.

'Got to see Lux in her bra though.' His brain countered, and his nose and cheeks flushed at the thought. Guilt gnawed at him for peeking, but she wasn't angry at him, or didn't act like an anime girl, throwing punches and calling him a perv.

If anything she was just as embarrassed as he was, and didn't even ask for an apology, knowing full well it was Jinx playing pranks on him.

Ezreal took a right, tapping the bell on the counter. This place was a saint of a place to find, apparently doubling as the owner's home on top of an arcade and smoothie bar. He wasn't hundred percent sure why he had it like that, but he never really told Ezreal much about his past.

Maybe that's why Ezreal kept coming back, other than the exceptional smoothies and decent arcade games. Tall, dark and mysterious characters always had him intrigued.

"Ezreal!" His name was spoken loudly in a heavy, south-african accent. Arms were thrown up into the air as a tired face greeted the blonde. He was at least another foot taller than Ezreal, and had short, black hair and wore a messy, fruit stained apron over a royal purple shirt and black shorts, "my favourite customer."

"Hey, Kassadin," Ezreal waved, resting an elbow on the counter, "how are you doing?"

"Well! Very well," Kassadin nodded, already grabbing out some bananas, yoghurt and ice. It was the only thing Ezreal bought, a plain old banana smoothie in the extra-large size. Kassadin got to work, quickly blending it all together. Kassadin looked over his shoulder, his violet eyes were tired, but mirthful, "Where is your lover?"

Ezreal's nose flared up a crimson red, he scratched the back of his head and looked away with a tiny cough. The memory of Lux's jiggling chest coming to mind, and his blush deepened.

"She isn't my 'lover'," Ezreal grumbled, Kassadin gave a single, loud 'hah!' as his response, shaking the blender a little from side to side, encouraging the chunks of banana at the top to slide down. Ezreal sighed, recalling the words from Jinx earlier, "according to one of her friends, I didn't make it clear enough that I wanted to be... something more."

"Well," Kassadin turned around, pouring the contents into a litre-large cup, "It sounds like you aren't sure what you want to be with her."

"Huh?" Ezreal dumbly responded, sliding his card over the machine, content with the little 'ding!' that sounded off, "What do you mean?"

don't burn without meNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ