Smooth Smothie Bar

Start from the beginning

Lux's brittle smile held strong.

Ezreal awkwardly stood up straight, scratching the back of his head.

"I just thought," He kept his grin plastered on, no amount of shame affecting him, "you seemed pretty bummed out—"

'Please stop talking.' Lux mentally begged.

"—and that you'd need some time to cool off, and, hey, I'm pretty good at having fun—"

'You're good at slacking off.' She snarked.

"—and you seem like you need it and—"

"Stop!" Lux finally cut off with an exasperated sigh, "Yes, okay, I'll go with you to the smoothie place, just, stop rambling."

Ezreal, not picking up on her agitation, smiled brightly, eyes widening in excitement, "Sweet! Okay, I'll meet you at your place at four!"

He quickly rushed out the door, waved a hand back, his cheers echoed through the stairwell.

Lux sat in the centre of the rooftop floor, curling her legs into her chest, and pressed her forehead against her crossed arms.

"Can today be over now?"


Lux stood before her full length body mirror, staring into the blank face of the woman in the reflection. She wore denim overalls that doubled as shorts of the same material, with a long sleeve pink shirt underneath, she'd found a pair of white ankle socks and slipped on her pink and white trainers.

She stared into her blank, pink eyes a while more, completely unthinking and bored. It was the first time today that she hadn't felt angry or stressed.

Just there.

She trailed her gaze to the corner of the room, the clock reading quarter to four. She sighed, hoping that Ezreal was lazy enough to come late—

Knock Knock.

Lux closed her eyes and dropped her head down. Making her way down the stairs to the front door. She sighed, put on her friendliest smile, and opened the door.

The blonde was wearing a long sleeve shirt, the sleeves were a cerulean colour, and the main body was a dark blue, with a strip of fabric between the shoulders and body being white, the same as his buttoned up collar. Finishing up with a pair of plain black dress pants.

'At least he dresses up well,' Lux idly thought.

"Hey there," He grinned his stupid grin, which Lux returned with the same friendly smile.

"Hello, Ezreal."

"Ready to go?"


"Sure am." Lux answered, stepping out the door, locking it behind her.

"Let's go then!" He held out his hand, which Lux took without thinking.

The world spun around her in a golden and cerulean dust, and her feet landed on a different floor. She blinked, standing in a mostly empty car park, a lone road to her left with a dense forest beyond it, and a building to her right. There was a sign just atop the building, with a smoothie cup giving her the thumbs up and a wink, the words 'Smooth Smoothie Bar' written next to it in bright, yellow neon lights.

'Oh, right. Teleporting with not-portal portals.' Lux suppressed a sigh. Hoping that the travel time would eat into their time spent together, before they had to go on patrol.

"Here we are!" Ezreal said, letting go of her hand and gesturing to her to follow, already making his way to the building.

"Here we are." Lux groaned, following the energetic blonde.

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