Chapter 3

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By the way the picture above is Summer.

Ok... What the hell is happening!! For a moment I don't know what to do and just lie there, waiting for something to happen. Suddenly, a fire engine turns up, and bursts through the door. After a few minutes, one turns up with the mystery dude, and another with Oreo. This my sound weird, but I was happier to see Oreo than to see the dude. I rush over, amd hug and kiss him, before looking at the dude. However, when I turn around, I see Summer talking to a fireman and Taylor wailing to a another pledge, but the mystery dude is gone...
The next day, ( we had to sleep overnight in the college dorms) i decide to go chill at August's place. I walk because I am car less right now. I get there in 5 or 10 minutes, only to find that the drive is empty. But that didn't mean that August wasn't there because he doesn't have a car either. I knock and no one replies. I reach into my pocket to phone August, and thats when i remember that i left it in August's room. I have a spare set of keys to the house and seeing as no one is here so it wouldn't hurt if i popped in and grabbed my phone. I opened the door and sprinted up the stairs. I looked into his room and quickly whacked my hand over my mouth before I made a weird cat like screeching sob sound. Then I turned around amd sprinted back down the stairs and out towards the house. The tears began to flow down my face as walked, around half the speed of my average walk. My thoughts somehow kept coming back to August.Why would he cheat on me? Was it because of our fight? Who was that girl? Probably just another one of his hook ups. Then I remember that I forgot about our date last night. He must be soooo mad at me. But that is NOT an excuse to cheat on me, I mean, my flipping house was on fire! Suddenly, my misery turned to rage. I hate him sooo much!! I told myself, even though it wasn't true. "You know you love him" mocked my inner conscious "you'll just cry for a few weeks, then when he wants you back he'll come and apologise, and you'll be all like: Oh August, I love you, yaaay!!"
"No I will not !!" I scream out loud and earn myself a few weird looks. It takes me around 20 minutes to go home, and when I do get there, I open the door, ignore the greetings, and race up the stairs to mine and Taylor's room. I throw myself into my little bed hole am
and start crying, hoping that no one will come knocking and ask about their missing slipper, cause you're just not in the mood. Eventually Taylor comes in, on the phone, and lies down on her bed. Then she starts laughing at some random joke the person on the other end said. She notices my tearful expression and gives me the 'what the hell happened look?' Then continues speaking. But when I just shrug and groan she hangs up, and plops down next to me. I know she's gonna make me spill but I decide to try and hold it in anyway. There's one thing you should know about Taylor. The girl don't reason. Taylor wants something: Taylor gets it. "Ok sweetie. You can either make this nice and easy for yourself, or painful. Your choice."she says, and smiles. "Mm mm!" I mumble, my lips pressed tightly together. The reason I don't want Taylor to find out straight away, is beacuse she'll go tell Summer, then go on a mad rampage, looking for August, and then killing him. Now I'd be totally fine with this. But my parents and the Chi Omega Alphas? Not so much. However, my efforts were to no avail, because when you're BFFs with someone from diapers to college, they know how to handle you. Taylor grabs my stuffed monkey called Monkey, and waves him around, threateningly, near the window.
"Fine, fine, I give up!" I say, then spill. Immediately, I hide under my duvet and wait for her reaction.
"That little ?!!&@#**! Who does he think he ?(£&@^*€¥$@! is?! I am gonna kill him, then shove it up his £&@<€$#* :£&\€¥$!!" She says, them storms out of the room. Probably to go get Summer, and go on their mad rampage while planning revenge...

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