Chapter 11

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I think you guys can figure out who this is. But I'll tell you anyway. It's Oreo, the house dog. Oh and, I'm changing Orion's name to Marcus, because my friend Rhino keeps nagging me. But seriously, she's named Rhino, and she's critisicing me?!! Her name is actually Rihanna but I named her rhino.

Alex's pov
Ok... Over reaction much. I smashed his cupcakes, big deal, make some more. No need to go punch a wall! What is the world coming to... He's 18, not 5!! Anyway, whatever, I just have to get to the bake off. "Hey Louis, can you give me a ride to the culinary section? Please...?" I give him the full force puppy dog eyes. "Fine."he eventually grumbles and leads me to Marcus's car.
After a really awkward car journey, we get to the culinary section. "Oh my God!Where have you been?" Taylor asks when I approach her.
"You don't want to know." I reply and rush to our counter. The bake off isn't actually a bake off, it's when you bake the things before hand then sell them to students not in frats or sororities. It last's a long time so we each take shifts. Thank god I made it on time for mine or Summer would have killed me. Actually, thank Louis. I scan my eyes over the room, looking for him. When his eyes meet mine. I smile and he returns it.
Sorry for the really short update, but me me and my friends are being bullied by these boys in the bus, and I lost my kit, and my neighbour is on the run from the police! I'm home alone and scared.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2015 ⏰

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