Chapter one

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I furrowed my brow in concentration and stuck my tongue slightly out of my mouth, like I always do when I'm focused. I hold the tube carefully in my hands, careful not to press too hard. I finished off icing my cupcake successfully, with a grin plastered on my mouth. Saying I was a perfectionist would be an understatement. Seeing as I'm still a pledge, I have to do all the dirty work. By dirty work I mean bake the cupcakes for the bake off. And a whole bunch of other stuff. But I don't mind. I know every pledge has to earn their place in ZBZ before they can become an official sister. And I can't wait. ZBZ means a lot to me, to my whole family. My grandma was president of it, then my mom, and now Summer. Hopefully in a couple of years time I can continue the family tradition. Not to brag or anything, but ZBZ is the best sorority on campus, and I'm not being biased. Ok I'm bragging. But it's true! We've won the sorority cup for the past 12 years in a row, and this year we'll make it 13. Only this time it's gonna be a little more tough, seeing as we have to beat the Chi Omegas. Normally, we wouldn't have to go against them, because sorority and frat games were different, but this year they've adapted them to make the frat and sorority games the same thing. The Alpha Chi Omegas are the best frat on campus. It's also my boyfriend, August, and his friend's frat.We're not like enemy's or anything, it's kinda like may the best house win. Eventually I finish icing all the cupcakes and step back to admire my work. Not bad, even if I say so myself. I decide to go and see how Taylor's' doing with the gingerbread men. We're preparing for the first stage of the house games, the bake off. To be honest, it's not my favourite stage because, with cooking, something always goes wrong. But I guess it's not the worst. Dance is definetly my favourite. I live to dance."Hey Alex,how are the cupcakes doing?" Taylor asks,"wrecked anything yet?"she asks, a smirk on her face.
"As a matter of fact I haven't! Well, not yet anyway.What about the oddly shaped gingerbread men?" I ask, even though it's kinda obviously failing."Ughhhhh!!! This is so irritating!! Cooking is so complicated, why can't we just play some sport or,something?!!" She groans. I chuckle, but before I can reply, Summer pops up out of no where."Hey hey hey! How's the cooking coming?" She asks.
"Is it not obvious?" Taylor replies in a duh voice.
Summer laughs and looks at me. "Ok, I guess. Have a look." I say and drag her over to the other side of the house kitchen."Pretty good Alex, but I have another job for you.Please could you go over to the Chis omegas house, and ask them when we can have our share if the supplies, if you can."
"Sure," is say " but what delivery are you talking about?"
"Oh, well, we both paid half each for a massive pack of additional items for the bake off, that we'll need, and they should've arrived by now. And by the way don't walk, take my car, you'll need it to bring them back here. Ok?"she asks. I nod, and leave the house.
I love driving Summer's car, seeing as I don't have one yet. My parents say I can get one at the end of the year, same time Summer did. I think it's fair enough. It only takes me about 2 minutes to drive to the Chi Omegas frat house. I pass the dorms for all the students who aren't in a frat or sorority amd I pity them. I never had to stay in in of those, I got to move straight into the ZBZ house, because the president is my sister. Taylor didn't. Or anyone else. I didn't think that was fair, but I didn't object too much! Soon enough, I arrived, got out of the car and rang the bell. Augusts best friend, Zayden, opened the door, and led me in. We made small talk until the president of the frat came in. I told him about the delivery, and he asked me to wait a few minutes. I nodded and he left the room. Zayden said he would go and get August, so I sat down and waited. I haven't spoken to August in a while. We sort of had a fight a few days ago, but it wasn't a biggie. When he came down nothing seemed to be wrong. He smiled and kissed me, I kissed back, glad we weren't fighting. We just casually talked and joked around for a while, and then Orion, the president told me, his pledges were loading the supplies into Summers car and I thanked him."No problem. Anything for Summers sister." Orion liked Summer, there was no secret about it. Only problem was, Summer doesn't like Orion. August tells me he has to wants to take me somewhere, and asks if he can pick me at 7 tonight. I think for a scound, making sure I'm free, I wouldn't cancel on my house for a boy, even August, not unless it was important. I said goodbye, and made my way back to the house.n

Hey guys! This is my first ever story, so it might be a bit crap, but you know whatever. So, what do you guys think of Alex? What about Taylor and Summer? August and Alex's relationship? Anything at all? I'll probably try and update once every week, but please forgive me if I can't because although it might be hard to believe, writers have a life too dears.

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