Chapter 2

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By the way above pic is Taylor I do not own any of the pictures, most of them are celebritys.
I drove back to the house slowly, listening to Ed Sheeran and taking in the campus. In a way it was still new to me, I had only been here a few months, but it felt like home, and I feel extremely lucky, beacuse most of my family and friends come here, so I don't feel out of place or alone.When I did arrive there was smoke pouring out of the house and fire alarms blazing. Uh oh. All the sisters and pledges were huddled together in the front yard, some crying, some jumping around. I spot Summer, Taylor and Tori ( my other bae) and rush over to them. "What the hell happened?!" I ask practically interrogating them. Taylor bursts into tears and holds her head in her hands. Tori wraps her arm around her amd Summer gives her a sympathetic look. I stare at her shocked. Taylor never cries. "I feel so guilty Al,"she began, "it was my gingerbread men, I guess I just left them in the oven a little too long!" What I did next surprised everyone, including me. I burst into laughter."I'm sorry, it's just, when you think about it and look at the situation from another point of view, it's just, so funny!" I stutter through my hysterics, and eventually everyone else begins to laugh too. But then I remember. And my face goes pale. "Where's Oreo?" I ask frantically. Summer's face goes even paler than mine ( Oreo was our house dog, at first he was mine and Summer's back home, but then we needed a house pet, so Summer took Oreo. I was only 15 then. I cried so much when he left. So did our younger brother, Jake, but Summer promised both of us, that she'd keep him safe)."Oh my god!!" He's still in your bedroom!!" shrieks Taylor. I have to save Oreo. Other wise I wouldn't be able to live with myself, and Jake would kill me and Summer. The fire engine wasn't here yet, Summer had just phoned them. The fire was in the kitchen, so if I went through the front door, I would probably die before I even got upstairs.So I looked around, find a small ledge on the window, and jump onto it. At first Summer Taylor and Tori look at me in confusion, but when they realise what I'm doing they race over, and then
Start to scream at me to come down. I ignore them and try to grab onto the next ledge, but it's too high up.I can feel Summer practically tugging at my legs, but I refused to give in. Suddenly, I feel a strong hand grab onto my ankle, and pull me down. Shocked I shriek and topple backwards. I land in a pile of mud( hopefully, it was mud). And look up. I see a dude standing there, he glances to see if I'm ok, then swings himself up ledge after ledge, into my room, through the window.Ok, this dude might be a really mean cyco path that pushes girls into mud, and climbs into buildings on fire, but I didn't want him to die!! So I start to scream at him to come down. He turns around and glares at me, through the window,and then disappears...

Sorry it was a really short chapter guys but i did two chapters in one day, which is pretty impressive for me, so you know, I'm not to bothered about it. I'll try to update every day, but sometimes that won't be possible especially these holidays, cause I'm going abroad with no wifi. Dun dun dun...

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