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"Wait." I said realizing that I was following a complete stranger into the woods " what the hell is going on?" He stopped in his tracks and lowered his head into his hands and rubbed the bridge of his nose, clearly annoyed. He spun around grabbed my wrist and started dragging me behind him. "What the hell!?" I screamed "LET ME GO" he ignored my protests and continued walking. Tears brimmed in my eyes. He was squeezing my wrist in the same place my dad used to.

"Dad..." I whispered. His dreary eyes stared at me for a moment before slamming his beer on the coffee table in front of him.

"ITS YOUR FAULT SHES DEAD YOU LITTLE BITCH" he screamed as he slapped me across the face. I winced as I was trying to figure out what hurt more. My face or my heart. "YOU SHOULDN'T EVEN BE HERE, YOU SHOULD HAVE DIED THAT DAY!!" My heart fell. He grasped my wrist and dragged me to his bedroom. I cried out for him to stop but he didn't. I learned to shut my mind of at that point.


"Stop" I cried to the so called Pan... "please don't make me"
He stopped for a moment and stared at me, not letting me go. "Not again..." I whispered. The tears over flowed and he looking confused.

"What are you talking about?" He asked.

"I'm sorry" I cried "I didn't mean to kill her..."
Pan looked shocked. He let go of my wrist for a brief moment and snapped me out of my trance of rehearsed  lines I said every time my dad accused me. I realized it wasn't my dad and quickly wiped the tears away. "Sorry, I-"

"I don't care" he said as he grabbed my arm again, this time higher up. Almost at my elbow.

"Fine fine" I sighed " you don't have to drag me anymore" he let go of my arm swiftly and continued walking. Glancing back every once and a while to check if I was there. I began noticing the smell of a camp fire. Oh how I love that smell. It reminded me of my mom, she loved camping, it made her so happy. I shook off the thought. She's gone I need to let it go. "Peter..." I began to ask. He turned around  and pushed me up against a tree so quickly I could barely register what was happening. He put his thumb and pointed finger on my lips squishing them together so I couldn't speak.

"Don't you ever call me peter again." He whispered against my ear. "Ok love?" I nodded my head in agreement ferociously "good" he whispered his lips brushed mine and he let go. His scent of vanilla and evergreen leaving my senses as he continued to walk towards what I presumed was his camp. As we walked up a hill I could hear the faint laughter of a group of boys getting closer. After what I estimated to be about five minutes, Pan yelled "Boys! We have a guest..." As we approached the campsite. 15-20 boys were dancing around a campfire, except one of them, who was just sitting on a tree stump. all of them looked up and dropped what they were doing. Pan began to open his mouth to introduce me, but his eyes caught one of the boys checking me out. Pans face twisted into his sinister smirk that gave anyone who saw it chills, "Mark... I see you are taking in the new sight..."

My stomach twisted, I didn't want to be a prize that was admired, but here we were. Then Pan leaned closer to me and whispered in my ear "if anyone lays a finger on you that you don't want there... you tell me immediately, understood?" I nodded slowly. "Good. Mark I will see you in my hut later." I began to grin to myself. It felt nice, someone protecting me, even if he made me uncomfortable in the first place it's better than nothing. "Alrighty boys, introduce yourselves."
They began, youngest to oldest. The youngest was Tommy, who had strawberry blond hair and seemed about 10 years old, then JJ, who was my age, he had dark curly hair that was cut fairly short, his tan skin and muscles stood out to me, he was a foot ball player I realized. He was seemed 16, like me. Then it was mark the kid who checked me out, black hair and his eyes were so dark they were almost matched his hair, it made me uncomfortable, I scooched closer to Pan, he was the only person I trusted even a little bit. He noticed and stared at mark with daggers in his eyes until mark cowered away. Pan looked down at me, and nodded, I moved away again.

it went on until it got to a boy named Felix, who stood taller than most of the other boys. he held a bat looking thing over his shoulder, he had blond hair and a scar across his long face, he gave me weird vibes. Then Pan, the leader of them all, looked about 18 years old, I assumed him and Felix were the same age.
Everyone continued as before, dancing around the fire. Felix chipped at a stick with a knife until it was pointed at the tip. I moved away from Pan and sat next to Felix. "Hey" I said wanting to spark up a conversation. He just glanced at me, hardly acknowledging my presence. "So why are you here?" I asked after a moment of uncomfortable silence.

"Why do you care?" He snapped. I flinched and quickly got up and walked into the woods trying to push the memories of my dad away.

"Ella?" Pans voice said behind me


"Ella?" My moms voice rang through the house like a melody. I giggled to myself as I hid under my bed while she looked for me. "Ella sweety, I need you to come out ok?" I slid out from under the bed as I heard the roar of my dads pickup truck down the road. "Hi sweety, you did such a good job hiding! But I need you to do it again ok? you're hiding from daddy this time though, no matter what don't come out until I say, Ok sugar plum?" I nodded and ran to my room as I heard the door to my dads truck slam shut, next I heard mom rush to the kitchen and start making dinner. I heard the door to the house open then my dads work boots hitting the hard wood floor. "Hey sweet-" I heard my mom begin.

"Get me a beer brat!" My dad yelled as he cut her off. I heard my mom scramble to the fridge. Then *SMACK* I heard my mom cry out in pain. "HURRY UP BITCH" my dad screamed. I heard clanging of glasses together and then a bottle open. "Hurry up with dinner, where's Ella?"

"At a friends." my mom stated. Obviously lying to protect me.

"DID I AGREE TO THAT" another smack echoed through the halls. Then a loud *BANG*. My moms light feet ran to my room and grabbed my hand dragging me out from underneath my bed. She opened the window and grabbed a sheet quickly off my bed and slid it through the window till it reached ground level. Luckily we were on the second level of the apartment.

"Crawl down" my mom whispered as she help the sheet steady and I climbed out the window once I hit the ground my mom jumped down quickly after.


"Ella?" I heard Pan move closer. I flinched. "Hey, what's going on?" I turned around and his eyes grew wide as he saw the tears well up in my eyes. "Um-I"

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