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the sunlight began to peek through my window and shine onto my face, I grumbled as the inside of my eye turned pink instead of the ever so peaceful darkness that had covered it only moments ago. I began to open my eyes, with much protest as my blue eyes came in contact with the bright sun making me squint.
I was famished, I hadn't eaten for two days now. My ribs beginning to show more, I smiled when I saw the results of ignoring my hunger and drinking water instead. I had seen an increase of flatness over my already flat stomach and smiled to my self as the bottom hem of my shirt rested on my breasts. My eyes quickly flicked to the corner of the mirror as a I saw a quick movement in my peripheral vision. I shoved the baggy shirt down as I looked in the corner of my room, where I swear I had seen a swift black movement.
It's just my mind playing tricks on me I concluded. My stomach grumbled but I ignored it. I quickly threw on my running shoes and ran out the door for my daily run. I pushed aside the lightheaded-ness labeling it as my iron deficiency. Though I couldn't shake the feeling of someone watching me, I turned my head slightly to the left as I continued running on the side walk, and saw nothing. I turned back around expecting to continue running peacefully.
I scream as I saw the pitch black silhouette of a boy standing right infront of me. It's hands grabbing me and throwing me to the ground. I growled as I wiped the dirt of my brand new leggings. "ARE YOU PHYCO?!" I screamed as I stood up. I tried to look at it in the face, but it didn't seem to have one. It grabbed my mouth and turned me around so my back was facing him, he clasped a hand over my mouth and all of a sudden we were surrounded by black smoke. I thrashed and screamed against him but he was far stronger than me. The rock hard pavement transformed into sand. I screamed again, the silhouettes hand muffled it though.
When he finally let go of my mouth I let my rage out
"ARE FUCKING INSANE?! What the hell are you even, WHERE AM I?!?" I cried out.
"Shadow? You're back so soon?" Questioned a boy from behind me. I spun on my heel staring at him. "You brought a girl here??" He sounded British.
I stared at him for a moment taking in his features. The first thing I noticed about him was his eyes. The most vibrant green I had ever seen, much like the large forest he stood infront of, I had noticed it's beautiful lush green leaves dangling as water droplets from the morning dew rolled of them gently, I brought my attention back to the boy. I wadged his height about 5'10- 6 foot at most, he was well built, thin, but muscular. His hair was a dirty blond with streaks of lighter blond from the sunlight. The next thing I noticed was his jawline, damn, it could cut my throat. Then his eye brows, which seems like a strange feature, but they were perfectly filled in and he had an impressive amount of control over them, lifting one as he noticed I was staring, which snapped me out of my trance.

I walked up to the boy "Where the hell am I?" I asked. he smirked, making chills run down my back.
"You're in never land darlin'" he said matter of factly.
A laugh escaped my mouth "yeah right, and you must be Peter Pan." I smiled.
He didn't.
"That was a joke." I stated confused as to why he wouldn't laugh, though I am socially awkward so maybe it wasn't clear.
"I know deary" he whispered, "it wasn't funny."
I squirmed under his gaze. "So where am I really?"
"I told you already." he complained.
"Yeah but-" I thought about arguing my point for a moment, but then decided to give up. " ok then when your name?" I asked.
"Guess darling" he snarled
"So you're Peter Pan... the infamous Peter Pan right infront of me. Wow" I drifted for a moment, trying to find out who he really was, God knows I'm not falling for his Peter Pan mascaraed.
"Follow me." He ordered
"Why the hell would I do that?"
"Alright let's wait for a mermaid to come and drown you then." He snapped.
"D-drown?" I stuttered
"Drown." he said firmly.
Chills ran down my spine. "Ok ok" I said slowly... as I turned around and saw that the so called 'shadow' had disappeared. I turned back around and my eyes met pan's. He turned around and started walking into the woods.

Hey to the souls reading this, I'm planning on making into a series, but idk I had Ideas but I can't seem to remember them... anyway hope you some how enjoyed part one of this story. I hope to make it better as we go along, thanks for reading to the one or two people reading this ❤️

Also found this gem so enjoy

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