34: Damaged Goods

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Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! I can't

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Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!
I can't... Fuck, I can't think straight.

Ellie gutted me with one admission. I thought her sarcastic wit came from being jaded about being turned down by a guy she liked, or too much practice rejecting interested guys, or too much exposure to Jake and his teammates, but not...

Not that.

Beyond an awful situation, I wasn't sure what 'that' was, but so much made sense. Jake was the last guy I felt sorry for, but his overactive anger and unreasonable protectiveness of Ellie? I understood. Ellie's sharp personality, her relationship with her brother, and our exchanges now made perfect sense.

The disgusted looks from the beach.
Every time she rebuffed me with a snarky comment.
She'd been around football players as long as I had, if not longer, and one of them crossed an unforgivable line.

And I wanted to know more. I had to. What happened to Ellie? I scrolled through every possible unpleasant Santa Cruz High rape and assault story online and found nothing except a potential candidate. Ryder Stevens. His stats read like any decent high school quarterback, a senior when Jake was a freshman, on an athletic scholarship to -

"UC-Davis," I muttered to my phone. The rest I could verify from a direct source. "I'll ask when I see him."

Me: Hey, I'm free tomorrow. Can we go early? Donating blood that day.

Mace: Great! Make sure you hydrate. See you at 6:30 am.

"Fabulous," I muttered. An early training session where Mason kicked my ass, then siphoning plasma and platelets was a literally draining day. I would make it work so Ellie wasn't harassed by my teammates.

Me: Yeah. Can you do me a favor?

Mace: Yeah?

Me: Who played QB for Santa Cruz HS three years ago?

There was a long pause before text bubbles appeared.

Mace: Tell you in person. See you at Paradigm.

A pit formed in my stomach, and Mason's words blurred. What the fuck did he know and wasn't telling me? Football parties were notorious for drunken encounters. I had several regrets with girls under those circumstances, but drunk or sober, I never crossed the mutual consent line.

I shut off my phone and held it to my chin. A sickening sensation filled my stomach like it dropped in a rush and rose bile up my throat. I was disgusting. Ellie didn't deserve to be played, a pawn in a retribution game against her asshole brother. The best thing I could do was leave her alone. She deserved to be left alone by an asshole like me. So, why did I feel so gutted by the idea?

Fuck, I was torn in half. I didn't need further proof than when I choked while kissing her. That wasn't supposed to happen. And I had no one to blame but myself. I was so stupid. I choked because feelings for her surged from out of nowhere, a damn near pressure built in my chest, and threatened to burst through my skin. Guilt strangled my throat and twisted my stomach until I felt sick and couldn't close the deal.

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