just you and me time

Start from the beginning

"Can you wait a few minutes? I'm almost finished with this chapter," Demi answered, and she heard Odell release a low huff but decided not to address it.

"If one of the kids came in here asking for your attention, you'd drop whatever you were doing to attend to them," Odell argued, causing Demi to release a loud sigh as she locked her iPad then turned on the couch to face him.

"Is there something that you want to say to me, Odell?" Demi questioned but Odell simply shook his head before leaving the room.

Demi knew her husband so she knew that something else was bothering him and he just wasn't being forthcoming, which was leading to all of these petty squabbles, but that didn't excuse him bitching her out over the smallest things.


"I think I want a steak for dinner," Odell said as he came into the kitchen after showering. He didn't have a long training session today so he got to come earlier and the kids were so happy about it.

"It's taco Tuesday," Demi responded as she took the stuff out for dinner. Every Tuesday was taco Tuesday, it was just their tradition, and unless they had some event to attend, they didn't usually break it.

"You know, when the kids tell you what they want for dinner you usually just make it for them regardless of what you already have planned," Odell said as he leaned against the counter. Demi shut the refrigerator and turned towards him, deciding that she had had enough of whatever weird mood that he had been in for the past few weeks.

"Because the kids don't act like little assholes who bitch and moan about petty stuff to cover up what's actually wrong with them," Demi replied as Odell looked at her in surprise.

"What? What are you talking about?"

"Odell Cornelius Beckham Junior, do you know how long I've known you? How long we've lived together? I know everything about you. I know how you act when you're bothered by something and you're not ready to talk about it. And you know what? That's fine. Don't talk about it. But don't pick petty fights with me either. Like I'm not trying to argue as foreplay. That's not fun. That doesn't get me going. All you're doing is getting on my nerves because when I act this way and try to shut you out, you get so upset yet you turn around and do the same exact thing. So either talk to me about it or get the fuck over it by yourself," Demi explained as Odell took in what she was saying.

"I'm sorry..." he quietly apologized, looking down at his Nike slides. "I didn't even realize I was doing that."

Upon seeing the look on his face, Demi dropped her defensive stance and made her way over to her husband. She wrapped her arms around his waist and looked up at him. This man...her man...she was so in love with him and to see him going through any type of turmoil didn't sit well with her. She just wanted to make things better for him in any way that she could.

"Why don't I call Maddie to come get the kids tonight? We can order in and just have a night to ourselves? Okay?" Demi suggested, causing Odell to nod. If they really wanted a night to themselves all they had to do was put the kids down for bed earlier, but Demi decided that having the house completely to themselves was a better option.

"She'll take the dog too?" Odell grumbled, causing Demi to lightly giggle.

"Yeah...the dog too."

"I'm tired," Odell groaned as Demi pushed her thumbs into his shoulder blades, trying to massage all of the kinks out of his tight muscles. Maddie had come to pick up the kids, and Sushi, within the hour so they finally had the house to themselves. On a normal night, they would've tried to go out but Demi knew that Odell wasn't feeling up to it.

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