close your eyes and let your feelings go

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Setting: E11EVEN Miami, Miami, FL

E11EVEN Miami was located in the heart of downtown, known around the country as the go to club for the rich and the famous

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

E11EVEN Miami was located in the heart of downtown, known around the country as the go to club for the rich and the famous. With its luxurious atmosphere, private rooms, and 24/7 sexy entertainment, there was no question as to why it was everyone's favorite club - if you could afford it. Six years ago, an infamous pop star had snagged the VIP section that was always reserved for one of the most famous athletes in the world. That's where their story started. A private booth that provided not only privacy, but a perfect view of the entire club so that they could always see what was going on. They could be watching everyone but no one would be able to watch them, and that's exactly how they liked it.

Usually, private booths got their own little shows from the strippers that graced the poles, the bars, and the tables of the popular club. And they got paid extra too. But tonight, they hadn't requested their own girls. Just a steady stream of bottle service and expensive appetizers. Today, that same pop star and football player had returned to share the section, caught up in their own little impenetrable bubble as the world moved around them.

"Keep moving like that and I really will get you pregnant again," Odell whispered into Demi's ear as she moved her hips in small circles against him, giggling and slightly tossing her head back as she ran her fingers over his professionally trimmed beard.

"Hmm, maybe I would like that," Demi breathed out before kissing the side of his jaw and continuing to move to the beat of the music. The song seemed to be playing just for them, and Demi couldn't help but to mouth along to the lyrics that she had danced to so long ago: "when I'm with you I feel alive."

"That must be Devonne talking because there's no way you would give in that easily," Odell chuckled, lightly pinching her side when she hit a particular spot that felt too good. He checked the time on his watch and tried to adjust his pants even though she was perched on his lap and probably wasn't going to move anytime soon.

"You wanna get out of here, baby?"

"You're getting old," Demi teased, leaning back and sealing their lips together before she stood up, offering him her hand.

"I'm just trying to make sure we have enough time to ourselves before your little demons wake up, since you decided you wanted them to come on vacation with us," Odell said as he stood up, taking her hand and taking the lead as they exited the club.

They went out the back way where Odell's car was parked to avoid paparazzi. Demi had been in the business for almost two decades, and Odell had been in the spotlight since college, yet they were still hot targets for the cameras. It annoyed Demi to no end which was why he was always trying to make sure to avoid those situations as much as they could, especially when their children were involved.

"Stop talking about my kids like that," Demi lightly huffed as they made it to the car that Odell had rented for the weekend.

He helped her inside then got into the driver's seat, letting the top of the electric blue Ferrari down as he peeled out of the parking lot and joined the late night traffic. Before they got married and before they had kids they could stay out until the sun rose. But marriage and starting a family had tamed their wild ways. They still knew how to have fun; they just had a different definition of it nowadays.

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