Chuckling under my breath I rub my forehead. There's a very good chance I'll become a babysitter tonight if he continues.

Watching them resume my eyes drift past to the kitchen entry. Though as my eyes focus I watch a figure run past the frame.

My eyes narrow, as I glance around the room seeing if anyone saw what I did. Though they're all focused on the game, none of their eyes drifting up.

Taking in a breath I put my feet on the ground before making my way into there. I could've sworn that nobody has been in the kitchen all night. I would've seen if someone went in there, right?

Drifting my hand along the frame, I peer into the kitchen. When I see no one in there, I take slow steps deeper into the room. My hand then falling from around the frame.

I could've sworn I saw someone run in that direction, so where'd they go?

"Well, well," I hear a deep voice behind me that's all too familiar. My body whips around so quickly my eyes barley follow due to the alcohol I ingested.

There's no way he can be here, right? I mean the amount of security Greyson has ordered ever since my disappearance is insane.

He couldn't of walked all the way to the pack house without anyone knowing.

"You're confused? I see it all over your face, it's quite amusing." Bahee smirks taking steps towards me.

My heart starts to beat uncontrollably in my chest. Every one of my limbs jittering with anxiety and anticipation. "H-How did you-" my voice trembles as I step backwards.

The music is so loud that no one would be able to hear him. They're so focused on that game that no one would come in here, no one would look for me until it's finished. That would give him plenty of time to take me back.

The sweat beading on my head becomes hot as he smiles a disturbing smirk. "I've never been afraid to get my hands dirty before."

I feel the air from my lungs get knocked out of me as I watch him raise his hands. My eyes becoming wide in terror as I see them coated in blood all the way down to his elbows.

"You monster!" I sob covering my mouth. How many did he kill? Who did he kill? What did he do to them?

Looking behind me, my back hits the kitchen table as he successfully backs me into a corner without my knowledge.

My breath comes out quickly in short panicked breaths as I look around frantically. I can't be taken again, I can't let him hurt anyone ever again.

Choking down a sob I reach across the table grabbing a knife out of its block holding it out defensively. He walks towards me slowly, holding out his hands as they drip in the disgusting red liquid. "Willa," he tells me making my face scrunch in anger.

"Don't say my name!" I shout making him pause his steps. "G-Get away from me," I steady my voice. "You're not going to hurt me, or anyone else ever again."

When he takes one more step closer, I decide that's my chance to strike. Swinging the blade I successfully slice his cheek with the point of the knife. But that won't be enough to stop him forever.

I-I need to kill him.

He flinches away from the blade as blood seeps from the wound. My face hardens as I swing the knife once again, this time looking to go towards the neck.

Though as I do so, I watch as he catches my wrist before I can make contact to his skin.

My eyes become wide with fear as he squeezes the pressure point in my hand making my fingers lock up and let go of the knife. "Let me go!" I scream flailing in his hold. His devilish smirk growing.

Alpha's Little LunaWhere stories live. Discover now