Chapter 40

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You didn't open your eyes when you gained consciousness. You could hear something beeping. You tried to move your hand slowly; you could feel something attached to your arm. You slowly opened your eyes, squinting because of the bright light. When your eyes adjusted to the light, you realized that you were in a hospital. There was a bandage wrapped around your right arm and an I.V drip attached to your left.

The door of your hospital room opened and a familiar boy walked in. "Oh! Raena! You're awake!" he says, closing the door behind him.

"Seonghwa..." you murmur weakly. He approaches you and touches your forehead with the back of his hand, sighing in relief.

"Your fever is gone," he says, sitting on the stool beside the hospital bed that you were on.

"What happened?" you ask. "How did I get here?"

"The police arrested both Minhyuk and Yubin. Thanks to you sending your live location on our group chat, they were able to get to you very fast," he explains. "Fortunately, they got there in time before anything worse could happen."

"Why is there an I.V drip attached to my hand?" you groan. "I really hate it."

"Your blood pressure dropped drastically from the shock," he explains.

The door opens again. "Hyung, you can go eat..."

"San..." you murmur, looking at the frozen boy at the door.

"I'll leave you both alone and tell the others that you're awake," Seonghwa says and leaves.

San takes a deep breath and approaches you, sitting on the stool beside your bed. "How are you feeling?" he asks softly, not meeting your eyes because of the tears that were forming in his eyes.

"Much better... now that you're here," you whisper the last part.

A sob escapes from his mouth and he breaks down. "I-I'm so sorry, this is all my fault."

"Shh, it's not," you say, taking his hand in yours.

"It is," he sobs. "You wouldn't be in this position if it wasn't for me. I know we aren't t-together anymore, but will you please let me explain everything?"

You nod, reaching up to wipe his tears. He takes a deep breath. "Last month, Yubin called me and she was crying badly, saying that she was getting abused by her uncle and threatened by his family. I believed her and decided to help her out. She was always texting me about that, and I was telling her what to do... Then she said her friends ditched her, so I told her to hang out with us cause I felt bad for her. I let her stay over at my apartment only once when she came crying one day, claiming that her uncle beat her up... She said she was feeling suicidal so I had to pay attention to her to make sure she doesn't do anything. Three days ago when you saw me at that party with her, I didn't want to go. My mother forced me to go and she called Yubin up herself and asked her to be my date, not knowing Yubin and I broke up long back. My father put our names on the guest list already so there was nothing I could do about it... When you saw her kiss me, I didn't kiss back. I tried to push her away but her hold around my neck was really tight and I didn't want to cause a scene." He pauses to take a deep breath. "I didn't tell you that she was my ex-girlfriend because I was so scared of how you'd think of me if you knew I dated a bully with an absolutely rotten personality... especially since you were one of the main victims. I'm so sorry, Raena. I'm so sorry for hurting you and lying to you. You didn't deserve any of it. I'll do whatever it takes to make it up to you... if you let me."

You take a deep breath, letting everything sink in. "The party was three days ago?" you ask.

San frowns. "Yes, it was. You were unconscious for three days."


He chuckles softly. "After everything I just told you, that's all you say?"

"I'm sorry, I'm just trying to process everything."

"Understandable," he says with a small smile. "I know I don't deserve to ask you this, but will you give me the chance to make it up to you?"

You nod. "Yes, San, but I will need some time."

San smiles brightly and you poke his dimple. He laughs and leans in to place a kiss on your forehead.

"Thank you so much, I promise to make you happy again."


End of Chapter 40.

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