Chapter 16

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You tried to pay attention to the Biology lecture, but you were just zoning out.

When you zoned back in, you were staring at your teacher's double chin. Oops.

"Alright, so I'm gonna call out two roll numbers," Mr. Shin says, once the lecture got over. "You both have to talk about today's lecture tomorrow. I'm sure you know how this works."

The class mentally groans. They couldn't do it physically cause Mr. Shin was strict—the strictest teacher on campus—and really scary.

"Roll numbers 27 and 33," he calls out. "Kim Minhyuk and Ahn Raena." Oh fuck no. Of all the people, why him?

After Mr. Shin left the class, San ran after him. "Mr. Shin!"

"Yes, Choi San?"

"Can I talk about the lecture tomorrow instead of Kim Minhyuk?" San asks. He wouldn't ever admit it, but he was also scared of Mr. Shin.


"I, um, want to do it," he says.

"I am not a fool. You have never volunteered for this before."

"Mr. Shin, I—"

"I don't want to hear your excuses," he says sternly, cutting San off. "Go back to class now."


"So... how are you?" Minhyuk smirks, taking a seat across you in the library. You had to beg San to not accompany you cause if he did, you were sure there would be a fist fight in the library.

"Don't talk to me," you murmur, reading Yeosang's notes. You were so thankful that Yeosang was in your Biology class because he was the only person who decently took notes that actually made perfect sense.

After a while of studying from Yeosang's notes and the textbook, you went to search for other materials on the bookshelves. You've seen others talking about the lectures, so you know what Mr. Shin expects. Notes simply just weren't enough. He would definitely yell at you if you don't refer to other materials.

You found the book you were looking for, but it was too high for you to reach. You were just about to go ask the librarian for help, when someone got the book for you.

"Not even a thank you?" Minhyuk asks, trapping you against the bookshelf.

You roll your eyes. "Thank you, now move."

"I want a proper thank you."

"Dude, I have to give a fucking lecture for Mr. Shin's class tomorrow, and I need to fucking prepare properly, and so do you. So get out of my way!" you snap. Surprisingly, he lets you go without saying a word. However, the smirk on his face went unnoticed by you.

After you were done preparing, you went to keep the book back. Unfortunately for you, Minhyuk tried the same thing again.

"What the fuck do you want, Kim Minhyuk?" you ask coldly, glaring at the boy who had you trapped in between his arms. "Move."

"When you talk to me like that, I feel like putting you in your place by fucking you right he—" 

"She told you to move," you heard someone familiar say.

Minhyuk scoffs, finally moving his arms away from you. "Ah, how nice to see you here, Choi Jongho."

"Likewise," Jongho says sarcastically, glaring at Minhyuk.

"Well, I will be going now," Minhyuk chuckles nervously, clearly scared of Jongho. The whole school knew that the bad boy was extremely strong.

"What a pussy," Jongho mutters under his breath before turning to you. "Are you alright?"

You nod. "Don't tell anyone about this."

Jongho raises an eyebrow. "Why not?"

"I don't want more fights to happen, Jongho. So please don't tell anyone," you say, making him nod.


End of Chapter 16. 

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