As I was about to hit him—

"Shush shortcake"

Then darkness

The next morning I walk down the last wooden stair with a hand on the back of the waistband of my spandex where the comforting cold metal of my glock 44 is hidden

Soundlessly I made my way towards the sounds of glasses clinking and into the modern styled kitchen

My tense muscles relaxed once I saw who was supposed to be an intruder but then I remembered that I let him stay here last night

"I see you've made yourself comfortable"

I watched in pure amusement as he jumped spilling his coffee into the white wooden tiled floor and turned his pyjama clad form (which he burrowed from Lance by the way) around at the sound of my voice from the stool just across him with his hand on his chest

"Jesus christ shortcake" he breathed out loudly closing his eyes and leaning on the kitchen sink now behind him for support as I casually lean my elbow on the marbled counter in between us "you almost gave me a cardiac arrest...good lord"

I stayed silent looking at him without trying to be discreet

Damn, Im surprised he could hide those arms under his jackets and uniform

"You're such a creep Corell" he gave me a mock disapproving look shaking his head "and you're the one who told me to get comfortable by the way"

"Isn't that right?" I asked blankly "since I remembered correctly that my exact words we're 'You're allowed to sleep here for the time being' nothing more nothing less"

"Yes, but how would I sleep if I won't get myself comfortable?" He sassed

"I never mentioned you to sleep comfortably nor uncomfortably... I just told you to sleep"

"Exactly shortcake. How could I or anyone sleep if they're uncomfortable with the place?"

"Force it"

"Not everything can be solved with force" he frowned at me

"Everything can be solved by force" I stated back nonchalantly

"That's where you're wrong"

"I know that I'm right" I gave him a half mocking smirk glancing at him sideways when he chose to stay silent for a while "I don't need you to confirm it Matteo"

"You manage to sleep" I stated over his silence and walk towards the fridge "so you found it confortable sleeping with me?" I teased grabbing the box of smores pop tarts that Lance always kept at fridge

You know what? I'll just buy him another one

"You're the one who slept with me shortcake" he teased back and caught the cookies and cream pop tart at him when he refused on the oatmeal cookies I showed him earlier "and from how long you stayed asleep I'd assume I'm not the only one"

I forgot Lance hated strawberries... brat

I raised an amused eyebrow at him "I was just simply sleeping on my room" I shrugged aimlessly when his eyes widen "not my fault you happen to chose my bedroom to sleep in"

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