The boy who didn't believe in love part 2

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"... Let me take you on a date."

Harry's heart stopped.

A date? What is that? I remember Ron telling me that he went on a few with some girl... But what is that?

Harry went red out of embarrassment of not knowing what a date was. He felt so dumb.

"U-um... W-what is a... D-date?" Harry asked while unconsciously pinching his shoulder, a habit of his that occurs when he feels awkward or scared.

Draco was genuinely shocked, and he chuckled.

"You mean you don't know what a date is?" He asked smirking, walking up to the other boy slowly from where he was.

(They're still at Harry's house)

"W-well, Ron told me maybe once, o-or twice, that he went on one but... Well... No, I suppose I don't know what a d-date is." Harry said, as red as a tomato.

Draco openly laughed this time, throwing his head back.

"H-hey, don't laugh! It's not my fault I don't know what a d-date is!!" Harry said, slapping Draco's shoulder.

"Oh, come on, chill. I'm not laughing because you don't know what a date is. I'm laughing because you look so adorable trying to get your words out." Draco said, smiling down at Harry.

As soon as those words were out, Harry went red yet again.

How can someone have so much fucking confidence?

"I... I..." Harry stuttered, not knowing at all where to begin.

"A date is when two people go out somewhere together; alone. Just by themselves." Draco said, smiling once more.

Harry then laughed at his own stupidity.

"Oooh, right, so basically it doesn't matter who it is, it's just two people going out. Like, two friends, or-"

"No no no no no. No. A date, is when two people go out together, but in a romantic  way." Draco said, smirking.

Harry's smile fell, and his cheeks burnt.

"W-what are you-"

And before Harry could register what was going on, his lips were pressed against Draco's.

He felt bliss. Nothing but bliss. And peace.

He felt as though all the problems he had were gone, the house was gone, everything and everyone just disappeared from the face of the Earth, and it was just him, and Draco.

He felt something wet hit his bottom lip, and went red when he realised it was Draco's tongue.

He didn't stop him though.

He didn't push him away.

He let him.

Harry didn't even know he was kissing back, it was something he was doing unconsciously.

Finally, Harry pushed Draco's chest slightly away, so that both of them had to stop.

"I-i-, Draco, I-"

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, Harry. I, I didn't know what got into me, I just-"

"Wait, are you saying, you... Didn't, want that?"

Draco's face went pink.

"W-well, I mean-"

"Look, I don't know what the fuck I am feeling. But I like it. And at the same time I don't. Do... Y-you, like it?"

"...I do. I really do. I like you Harry. More than I expected to. You are... Amazing. I don't know how to express my feelings in words for you. I just, know, that... You're different from everyone else; you don't stress to impress, you're yourself. And I just, admire you for that... So much."

Harry went red, and then hugged him, tears forming in his eyes.

"Hey hey, what's wrong?" Draco asked, pushing Harry, so he could see the boy's face.

"I... Thank you. Thank you for making me feel emotions. Thank you for non-chalantly walking into my life, and just waking me up from a sleep I didn't even know I was in."

"Thank you."

There was a silence between the two of them, we're Harry had his nose in the crook of Draco's neck, and was quietly sobbing, something he hadn't done in a long time.

Draco was shushing him gently, while rubbing his back up and down with one hand, using his other hand to hold Harry close to him.

After Harry had calmed down, Harry laughed.

A pure, genuine, and non-forced laugh.

Draco stared at the fucking gorgeous boy in front of him, who was now laughing so hard he was hanging on to Draco for support.

"Are you ok?"

"I accept, Draco."

"What? To what?"

"To your date, dumbass."


So technically, that's it. But I was thinking, would you maybe like the date too, as an extra? Maybe a lil smut too, in it?

Comment what you'd like!

Hope you and your families are safe, happy and well!


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