Smutty time!

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Hello everyone! So I decided to write a smutty chapter. Um, if you don't like this kind of stuff, don't read it, or simply skip to the next story.
And for you Drarry perverts, read on!

Draco's pov

Merlin Harry looks so... Hot when he's playing Quidditch. He looks so focused, and the worst part is that he just smiles and winks at me.

And of course, he caught the snitch before me.

I focused on every little detail.

The way his hair was messed up, and his eyes were shining with joy and... Mischief? His glasses were lopsided, and his smile was brighter than the sun. His skin was practically gleaming with sweat, as I watched the way his robes moved with the wind.

After I took a shower, I waited for him outside the Gryffindor showers.

He came out with a red sweater and black sweatpants on. His hair was slightly wet still from the shower.

I grinned at him and took him by the hand, running down the corridors, and up to the seventh floor.

I paced up and down rapidly in front of the wall, and watched Harry's confused face.

Finally, he understood what we were doing here.

I grabbed him by the hand again, and he giggled.

External Pov

Draco pinned Harry to the wall. Draco growled so low that Harry didn't even think it could be Draco.

Draco kissed Harry with such passion and impatience. Draco did even ask for permission to enter, he just took a chance when Harry was gasping breath, exploring every inch of his mouth.

Harry couldn't help it any more. He was moaning with pleasure.

Harry snaked his hands around Draco's waist, and slowly made his way up his back, scratching it.

Draco got so worked up that he picked Harry up, putting his legs around Draco's waist and thought for a bed.

As soon as the thought came into his head, a queen-sized bed came in view.

Draco threw Harry onto the bed, and then crawled on top of him on his hands and knees.

Draco's pov

Harry's knees were bent, and my back was reclining on them. He seemed to already be out of puff.

I kissed him passionately again, this time his tongue sneaking into my mouth without permission.

Merlin I love this boy so much.

I then decided to experiment.

I grinded my hips against Harry's, just to see what his reaction would be.

"Dra- Draco if you feel uncomfortable with d-doing this you d-don't have to" he said, his voice cracking in a few places and almost every word came out with a little gasp.

I smirked.

"Who says I'm not comfortable with you?" I whispered in his ear, nipping his ear playfully.

He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back, but then decided to tease him, just for a little longer.

I grinded my hips against his again, and I kissed the right side of his lips, earning a cross between a moan, a gasp and a whimper.

I started kissing his jawline, and then I moved down to his neck.

I pushed Harry's knees down so that I could move back a little, so that I could get more access to his neck.

At first, I started slowly sucking, my teeth barely scraping his skin.

"St-stop teasing" said Harry.

I didn't exactly know what to do, so I continued sucking his neck, yet this time with more hunger.

"Mmph" I heard Harry groan.

His hips went up, literally (and physically wink wink) begging for more.

But I pinned him back down, leaving Harry completely at my will.

And Merlin that felt good.

He looked so vulnerable... He sure didn't look like that on the Quidditch pitch.

I must've found his soft spot, because his eyes rolled back and he shivered.

I smirked internally and started to suck on that exact spot.

He started to moan in pleasure.

I licked a line from his soft spot to his ear, nipping it playfully.

"You alright there?" I whispered, and smiled at him shivering at the sudden voice in his ear.

His eyes were tightly closed, and he looked as flustered as ever.

I started kissing and sucking (slightly) his collarbone. He all of a sudden pushed me off of him.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Wait, move a little further back" he said.

Slightly confused, I moved back trying not to hurt Harry.

He sat up. I noticed all the hickeys on his neck. He then took his jumper off and then the white shirt he had under the jumper.

I understood what he was doing, and did the same.

Then he did something that I was not expecting.

He started fiddling with my belt. I felt my face get hot. I giggled slightly at his face. His forehead was shimmering with sweat and he looked so concentrated, as though he was trying to find the snitch.

Finally he managed to take it off, and by the time he had thrown it on the floor I had already pushed his shoulders back down on to the bed.

I grinded my hips against his again and sucked another side of his neck.

Then I moved directly down to his chest, leaving a trail of kisses and maybe (most likely) leaving a few hickeys.

I moved down to his stomach. I caressed it gently, feeling his strong abs (probably from fighting Voldy Moldy). I then gave it a quick peck  and licked a line from his stomach to his chest.

He shivered and moaned quietly.

Then from his chest I went to his jawline (making my way through his neck, making sure I left a hickey or two there) and when I arrived to his lips, I kissed him passionately.

This time, I asked him for permission to enter.

I licked his top lip and then bit his bottom lip.

He opened his mouth a little and my tongue sneaked in.

I found his tongue and entangled it with mine.

Finally, we stopped, panting for breath.

I took his wrists and held them above his head with one hand using my other one to run it through his hair.

"Merlin you look gorgeous." I said, getting off of him and laying on my side by his side.

"Mph how long have you been wanting to do that?" He asked me, turning his head to face me and smirking.

"Ever since I fell for you." I answered.

He smiled at me, and he also turned on (sorry I had to xd) his side, and snuggled up next to me, putting his arms around my waist.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

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