New Years' surprise

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It was 23:50 p. m.

There were 10 minutes before the first of January, and all the eighth years were celebrating together in their common room.

"Harry! You have to do it!" Squealed Pansy to Harry.

Harry blushed, and shook his head.

"I can't, he doesn't feel the same way." Harry said sadly, looking at the blonde Slytherin who was listening with Dean, Seamus, Blaise and Terry to a joke told by Ron. Surely, a few minutes later, they all started laughing.

Even though it was loud-ish in the common room and there were many laughs, Draco's laugh highlighted all the noise.

It was the most beautiful noise he had ever heard, so sweet and real.

"Come oooon Harry! You have to!" Insisted Hermione, helping Pansy.

While the two girls and one boy were arguing weather Harry was going to do it or not, a similar conversation was taking place across the room.

"Oh please Malfoy! You would absolutely love kissing Harry at midnight!" Said Seamus, laughing.

Draco blushed deeply, and like Harry did, he also shook his head.

"Even though we're friends, that's all we'll ever be." Said Draco sadly.

"Mate, are you that oblivious? Have you seen the way Harry looks at you? He... Well, he absolutely adores you!" Said Dean whispering the last bit.

Draco swore his heart was about to jump out of his chest.

"Yeah, he denies it, but he's always talking about you, saying how handsome you look, and how amazing you are at Quidditch!" Added Terry.

"And, I mean he specifically told me not to tell anyone, but he said that when you're concentrated on Potions, you turn him on. And the other day, when you wore that hoodie with those tight jeans? He couldn't take his eyes off you. Once, I caught him drooling when he was looking at you." Said Ron, smirking at Draco's flustered expression.

"GUYS!! IT'S ALMOST MIDNIGHT! THREE MINUTES LEFT!!" Screeched and excited Hannah Abott.

"Mate you have to do it." Said Blaise.

Draco blushed, but then nodded. "You know what, I will." Confidence missing in his voice.

"So Harry, will you do it?" Asked Albert Goldstein.

"I don't know" Muttered Harry,  looking down.

"Well you better decide, there is one minute left for midnight." Said Pansy.

People were already counting back, and Harry, Albert, Hermione, Pansy and anyone who was in the corner of the room moved over to the center of the room and joined in the counting back.

When Harry was at 15, he noticed a blonde walking up to him. He smiled and Harry blushed looking down.

Draco put his index and middle finger under Harry's chin and lifting it.

"6... 5..."

"You're so gorgeous" Muttered Draco into Harry's ear, Harry blushing for what seemed like the twentieth time that night.

"3... 2...1..."

And at 0, Draco pulled Harry in for a kiss.

Harry was slightly taken aback by the way Draco was kissing him with such hunger, and soon melted into Draco's touch.

There was a lot of noise, but to the two boys there was nothing but silence. It was as if the world was slowing down.

Draco nipped Harry's bottom lip, and Harry letting out a sigh that drove Draco mad.

Harry gasped as Draco bit a little bit harder than before, and Draco took advantage of this moment and slipped his tongue in.

Harry tried to fight for dominance, but gave up a few seconds later, allowing Draco to explore Harry's mouth.

They parted, panting, and noise came back to their ears.

Almost everyone noticed them kissing. Most of them were wolf whistling and whooping.

Some were clapping, because both boys were so damn oblivious to each other since September.

At front row, were Ron, Pansy, Blaise, Hermione, Terry, Seamus and Dean. They were all smirking, Hermione and Pansy giggling historically, Dean, Ron and Blaise were trying to stifle a laugh yet failing miserably, whilst Seamus was laughing openly.

Both boys blushed, and Harry interlaced his hand with Draco's, making both boys blush even more.

"Be my boyfriend?" Asked Draco in a low voice that drove Harry mad and making him hard.

"Y-yes" Said Harry, slightly whimpering at Draco's taller body.

All nine students enjoyed themselves for the rest of the night, sleeping at around three thirty in the morning.

Draco fell asleep holding Harry in his arms, Harry's head nuzzled into Draco's neck.

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