Not all critics are rude

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Draco Malfoy entered the new restaurant down the street.

He glanced around the place, seeing it half full. There was some nice and calming music in the background, and he seemed to relax when he sniffed the good food in the air.

He went and sat down, while noticing that people were  starting to notice him.

Draco Malfoy was a food critic. It wasn't really what he was expecting to do when he was older, but he realised that if he took eating food seriously, then he could make good money out of it.

He was pretty famous around London. And he also had a habit of coming to a new restaurant unexpectedly, or without notice.

After observing the place a bit and writing down details, a handsome waiter with black, messy hair came.

"Hello, welcome to La Fuente. Before I hand you the menu,do you have any preferences or allergies?" He asked politely.

Malfoy lifted his head up, and noticed how the boy's cheeks coloured in seeing who he was talking to.

While Malfoy was smirking internally, he smiled at the brunette.

"No, I don't. Say, may I know your name?" He asked politely.

The boy's cheeks went even redder, but nonetheless, he smiled brightly. "I'm Harry Potter. H-here's your menu."

Malfoy smiled gently, and took the menu out of Potter's hands. Their hands made contact, and Malfoy felt electricity from his hand up his arm.

"What do you recommend?" Asked Malfoy, looking through the menu.

"W-well, I... I really like the Vegan burger." Potter said, smiling gently.

Malfoy's head snapped up, and he smiled at the boy who's hands were shaking slightly.

"I'll have that then." Malfoy said, putting the menu down.

"What would you like to drink?" Asked Potter, taking the menu off the table and under his armpit, and then quickly scribbled down on a small notepad.

"I'll just have some water, please."

"Ok, we'll be ready in a few minutes then." Potter said, looking up again, blushing and smiling, and then left to go to some doors that probably lead to the kitchens.

Malfoy smiled at how polite and sweet his behavior was, unlike many of the waiters he had met and seen at other restaurants.

He wrote in his notebook how nice his waiter was. For now.

About twenty seconds after he wrote down, a girl with ginger hair and freckles came.

"Here's your water, sir." She said, smiling at him warmly.

"Thank you." Malfoy said, bowing his head slightly.

She quickly left, and he noticed how informal yet tidy the staff were.

Almost everyone was wearing different clothes, but they all wore an apron around them.

The people who had long hair had their hair tied up, either in a ponytail or a braid, whilst those who had shirt hair, like Potter, had their hair in pins.

He found this a very creative idea for the ones who had short hair yet it still managed to get in their faces; he wrote it down as a note, so he could remember to suggest it.

"S-sorry, but are you Draco Malfoy?" Asked a small boy with blue hair.

Malfoy looked down, and smiled at him warmly, nodding.

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