Games (part 2)

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Draco and Harry both came back to the ROR, holding hands and laughing.
When they came in, they forgot there were other people.

Draco pinned Harry to the wall and just kissed him passionately. They were on like that for about two minutes until Draco heard some snickers.

He turned around, Harry moaning for the loss of contact from his lips.

Some laughed really hard now, and both boys realised that they were not alone. Draco turned around completely, a deep shade of pink, while Harry was tomato red.

Everyone were either snickering or smirking.

"Well... You two alright?" Asked Pansy trying not to laugh, though failing miserably.

Everyone laughed, and then Harry started to laugh, cause you know, laughing and smiling is contagious.

Draco looked at Harry. He had never seen anything more sweeter and cuter. Harry's hair was as messy as ever, he was still red from embarrassment, he was still in a t-shirt (Draco was still wearing Harry's jumper, duh) and he was laughing. Draco couldn't resist, and he also started to laugh.

Both of them walked over to the circle, and sat down together.

"Ok, we were about to play 'Truth or Dare'. Wanna join, or are you scared?" Said Ron smirking.

"Like hell I ain't playin" said Harry playfully. Draco had never heard Harry talk like that, it truly turned him on, and in that moment he just wanted to slam him down on to the floor and kiss him.

"Ok, this is how it works. We spin the bottle, and when the tip lands on someone, for example me, I have to ask 'Truth or Dare' to the person who's at the other end of the bottle. Understood?" Said Hermione. Everybody nodded. "K, let's start!"

After a while, Harry was getting bored, it was always him that had to ask "Truth or Dare" and he never got a chance to do anything.

Pansy spinned the bottle, and the tip landed on Blaise, and the person who was on the other end was, surprisingly, Harry.

"Truth... Or Dare"? Asked Blaise dramatically. Harry thought for a while, and said "Truth." Ron grinned.

"Ok, explain specifically what happened between you and Draco when you two were out. And" he paused taking a little vile out "you don't wanna lie to us, do you?" Harry gulped, but nodded. He poured himself some Firewhisky and added a couple of drops of Veritaserum into his cup. He drank it, and explained what happened.

After finishing, everyone were either smirking or "aweing". Draco was a deep shade of pink.

"Ok, spin the bottle Harry" said Dean.

Harry spun the bottle, the tip landing on Hermione and at the other end was Draco.

"Truth or dare?" Asked Hermione.
"Dare" said Draco without hesitation. Hermione's lips turned into a malicious grin, as she said "I dare you to kiss Harry, and making him moan like he was doing so before." Draco didn't even turn pink anymore, he turned a very light shade of red.

Harry stared at Hermione, and then said "Why must you do this?" Hermione giggled and shrugged at the same time. "Go on already." She said.

Draco looked at Harry. Harry was really red now, and to get it over with, Draco smashed his lips with Harry's.

Draco could see Harry resisting the urge to moan, so he smiled into the kiss trying to make it more intense so Harry would moan already.

He bit Harry's lower lip and Harry immediately gave him entrance, regretting it two seconds later. Finally, Harry let the sexiest moan in the world. He couldn't anymore, both were gasping for air but they continued as if it were nothing.

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