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It was getting near Christmas. Draco desperately wanted to confess his love for Harry, and viceversa.

Hermione and Ron insisted on him doing so, and Pansy and Blaise did the same. They even paired up together, talking about how they would make such a sweet couple and that they were both as dense as fog.

The four of them decided to do something crazy, with some help from Peeves.

They set mistletoe right outside the Great Lawn, and at the right time, Ron pushed Harry to the mistletoe and Blaise pushed Draco to the mistletoe.

Ron and Blaise were both laughing hysterically at the looks on both the boys' face.

Draco's looked completely red and was flustered. Harry looked confused as usual, and when he finally saw the mistletoe and realised how close he was to Draco he went (if possible) even redder than Draco.

"Mi-mistletoe" stuttered Harry. "I see that Potter I'm not blind" said Draco trying to say it coldly and sneery but came out high pitched and in Harry's opinion... Adorable.

"So, um. I might have to tell you something." Said Harry. Draco said nothing, since he had a knot in his throat and couldn't talk, so he simply nodded.

Harry took a deep breath and said "Goddammit Malfoy I don't just like you. I freakin love you. I don't care what others think. I don't know if you feel the same, but if you don't, well then I just gained myself a teasing sentence from the whole school." He said looking down at his shoes, bright red.

Draco couldn't believe what he was hearing. The love of his life, loved him back.

"For how long?" Asked Draco after about a minute of an awkward silence.
"A while, probably since last year" said Harry still looking down.

"Oh Merlin I love you too Potter." Said Draco. Harry looked up and Draco took advantage of this moment and grabbed his jumper and pulled him into a deep and passionate kiss.

They were definitely kissing for a while until finally they broke apart panting for breath.

Draco smiled and took his hand. He squeezed it. Harry looked at Draco into his eyes and smiled brightly.

"Would you like to be my boyfriend?" Asked Harry blushing furiously even though they just had an amazing kiss.

"You expect me to say no?" Said Draco laughing.

Harry laughed, and hugged the taller Slytherin. He nuzzled his head in his chest, smiling brightly.

Ron and Blaise 'awed'.

"I haven't seen Harry this happy since... Merlin knows how long." Said Ron.

"I know. That's probably the biggest smile I've seen on Draco's face in a long while. He's been through a lot, and he really needs someone like Harry." Said Blaise.

The two boys were still hugging and finally, Draco broke apart. Harry pouted and crossed his arms like an angry five year old little boy.

Draco found this the most adorable thing he's ever seen in his life. He ruffled up his head and whispered in his ear "catch me if you can". He smirked at him and started running on to the grounds, heading towards the Black Lake.

"Oh don't worry, I will catch you!" Shouted Harry playfully, running after the Slytherin.

Harry finally caught up with him, tackling Draco to the ground and landing on top of him. Harry put both his hands on Draco's wrists, preventing him from moving.

Draco thrashed trying to get away, but Harry's grip was very strong.

"You know, you look so damn cute when you squirm like that." Said Harry smirking.

Draco stopped, blushing. His chest fell and raised. Harry leaned in and kissed the boy under him right on the lips.

Draco started to kiss back. And at that exact same moment, it started to snow.

Could things have been more perfect?

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